BSBSUS411 Implement And Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices Assessment – Rhodes College US.
Subject Code & Title: Implement And Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices
Assessment Type: This is a summative assessment, which requires each student to have adequate practice prior to undertaking this assessment.
Assessment Methods: Written Assessment (J) Assessment 1 Project (C) Assessment 2
Assessment Type : Written Assessment
BSBSUS411 Implement & Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Task -US.

Student Instructions:
Your answers should be on a separate document using word processing
software such as MS Word & or other software (handwritten submissions are only acceptable with prior approval from your Trainer).
Your document should be professionally formatted and include:
a. Your Name
b. Your Student ID
c. Unit Code
d. Assessment Number (i.e. BSBSUS411 Assessment 1)
Please reference to each question number and retype each question with your answers.
You must answer every question and provide enough information to demonstrate sufficient understanding of what has been asked to achieve competency. Please ask your Trainer/Assessor if you are unsure what is sufficient detail for an answer.
Ask your trainer/assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your
trainer/assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-word the question for you or provide further assistance based on the Institute’s “Reasonable Adjustment Policy”.
Answers should be your own work, in your own words and not plagiarised, nor copied. However, if an answer is cut & pasted (such as a definition), then the source should be referenced.
1. In general, what environmental / sustainable issues do our current laws focus on?
2 a) Visit the State or Commonwealth EPA websites and conduct the following research.
What is the name of the environmental legislation that the EPA implements and regulates?
2 b) a) Provide an example of when the EPA will accept an enforceable undertaking, and
b) Two further examples of when an Enforceable Undertaking is not appropriate.
3 a) In your own words, why is it important to go green in your workplace?
3 b) Your business can profit from environmental management through:
Provide the incorrect answer/s from the suggestions given.
• spending less on raw materials, energy and water.
• recognition for your efforts through environmental awards.
• not needing to consider safety in environmental management practices.
• achieving a reputation for best practice by following voluntary industry codes of conduct or the international environmental standard ISO 14000 series.
• finding new market opportunities for “green” goods and services.
• improving workplace safety through reduced use of industrial chemicals and reduced waste.
• A positive reputation as a business that cares about its impact on the environment.
BSBSUS411 Implement & Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Task -US.

4. What steps can both yourself and your organisation take to improve the environmental impact in relation to lighting within your organisation?
5. What steps can both yourself and your organisation take to improve your environmental impact in relation to IT within your organisation?
6 a) What steps can your organisation take to improve the environmental impact in procurement within your organisation including monitoring and reporting usage trends?
6 b) Visit the website and find and list four environmental risks that may affect your business.
7.Explain the five R’s in terms of waste management.
8.Provide 4 ways you can “Reduce” in your office?
9.Provide 4 ways you can “Reuse” in your office?
10.Provide 4 ways you can “Recycle” in your office?
11 a) Conduct research into benchmarks using the Energy Management Guide for Tenants in the assessment resource list.
What is the NABERS five-star rating system?
11 b) What is the average rating for an office?
12 a) Refer to the Energy Management Guide for Tenants list five Energy Management Policy inclusions, you think should be included in a workplace that you are familiar with.
12 b) What is great about having an Energy Management Policy? List five great benefits of having a policy in place.
12 c) How far should stakeholder, key personnel and specialist advisor consultation extend?
BSBSUS411 Implement And Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices Assessment – Rhodes College US.

13.What issues relating to sustainability could you include in a company’s environmental policy?
14.What permissions or approvals would you require when acting in your own role, to communicate your ideas, feedback with internal?
15.Why is it imperative that you seek the necessary permissions or approvals needed to communicate your ideas, feedback with external stakeholders?