Assessment Task 3: Risk implementation project
Task summary:This assessment task requires you to implement risk control measures from the risk management plan, as well as monitor and report on actions arising. This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.
BSBRSK501 Risk Implementation Project Assignment Task 3-Trinity Institute Australia.

- Access to textbooks/other learning materials
- Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access
- Customer Survey Results Memo
- Sales Data Analysis Memo
- Staff Survey Results Memo
- Performance Review Results Memo
- Sustainability Report
Your assessor will advise you of the due date of these submissions.
- Email with the following attached:
o staff training report
o completed usage record
o customer questionnaire
- Email with risk monitoring report attached.

BSBRSK501 Risk Implementation Project Assignment Task 3-Trinity Institute Australia.
Assessment criteria:
For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.
Re-submission opportunities:
You will be provided feedback on their performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
BSBRSK501 Risk Implementation Project Assignment Task 3-Trinity Institute Australia.

You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment.