Subject Code & Title : BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to undertake a straight forward project or a section of a larger project. It covers developing a project plan, administering and monitoring the project, finalising the project and reviewing the project to identify lessons learned for application to future projects. This unit applies to individuals who play a significant role in ensuring a project meets timelines, quality standards, budgetary limits and other requirements set for the project.The unit does not apply to specialist project managers. For specialist project managers, the other units of competency in the project management field (BSBPMG) will be applicable.
BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work Assessment George Brown College Canada.
To achieve competency in this unit students must demonstrate their ability to:
1.Define project
2.Develop project plan
3.Administer and monitor project
4.Finalise project
5.Review project
Performance Evidence:
In order to complete this assessment, you must:
• define the parameters of the project including:
• project scope
• project stakeholders, including own responsibilities
• relationship of project to organisational objectives and other projects
• reporting requirements
• resource requirements
• use project management tools to develop and implement a project plan including:
• deliverables
• work breakdown
• budget and allocation of resources
• timelines
• risk management
• record keeping and reporting
• consult and communicate with relevant stakeholders to generate input and engagement in planning, implementing and reviewing the project
• provide support to team members to enable them to achieve deliverables and to transition them as appropriate at completion of the project
• finalise the project including documentation, sign-offs and reporting
• review and document the project outcomes.
Knowledge Evidence:
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, you must:
• give examples of project management tools and how they contribute to a project
• outline types of documents and other sources of information commonly used in defining the parameters of a project
• explain processes for identifying and managing risk in a project
• outline the organisation’s mission, goals, objectives and operations and how the project relates to them
• explain the organisation’s procedures and processes that are relevant to managing a project including:
• lines of authority and approvals
• quality assurance
• human resources
• budgets and finance
• record keeping
• reporting
General Assessment Information:
This information is designed to provide you with a full overview of the tasks you need to successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit.
You must achieve a satisfactory performance in each of the assessment tasks in order to be deemed competent in the relevant unit. Where necessary, the assessment tasks are divided into parts or steps. These are designed to take you through a step by step approach to completing the activities.
First and foremost, please contact your assessor to discuss any necessary adjustments that may need to be made prior to completing these tasks. The instructions for each of the assessment tasks are logically sequenced. If you have any questions, contact your assessor immediately. If there is a practical component to your assessment, you will need to discuss the arrangements for its completion with your assessor in advance.
Assessment Cover Sheet:
Once you have completed all of the tasks, complete the Assessment Cover Sheet, sign the declaration and forward along with your documentation to your assessor. It should be uploaded along with the assessment on to the RTO manager.
1.Written Questions:
For this assessment, you are to read the questions and respond in writing with the most suitable answer. There are six questions, all of which must be completed. Most questions require short answers although some questions require a more detailed response. You may use various sources of information including workbooks, internet and other documents, but must list and reference their sources. Your assessor will advise you when this is due.
This is a major project in five parts in which you are to participate in the management of a project. You are given the choice of a real project to manage such as a charity raising function or a student event. In order. You are to organise and manage this as a proper project with a project plan, budget, record keeping, meetings and reports. In order to do this, you will need to form a team of 6 – 8 classmates who will form the Project Management Committee (PMC) and will meet together at various stages throughout the project. You should take it in turns to chair the meetings and lead group discussions. You will all write up the project documentation. Your trainer will allow you time to hold meetings.
Important: you will work as a team to manage the project and make decisions about the project plan, the progress report and the final report. However, each person must complete and submit the written tasks individually for the purpose of assessment.
There may be some ‘doubling up’ and similarity between documents submitted, given the group consultation, but it is important that individually, students complete each of the written tasks of the project.
As this is a real project it will take place over a period of time. The final assessment will therefore take place at a significant period after commencement.
Your trainer will advise you of timelines for reports and final completion of the project.
You will be assessed against the criteria in the attached ‘Marking Guide’.

Read the questions below and respond in writing with the most suitable answer. There are six questions. You must complete them all. Most questions require short answers although some questions may require a more detailed response. You may answer in point form.
BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work Assessment George Brown College Canada.
You may use various sources of information including your workbook, internet and other documents. You must list your sources if you use other than your workbook. Your assessor will advise when this is due.
Question 1
(a) Give three (3) examples of project management tools.
(b) Give two (2) examples of software applications
Question 2
For each of the following documentation and sources of information commonly used in defining the parameters of a project, briefly outline what information each provides.

Question 3
Briefly outline how a project relates to a business’s vision and mission.
BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work Assessment George Brown College Canada.
Question 4
Briefly explain how each of the following procedures and processes of a business would affect the management of a project

Question 5
Match the following process for identifying and managing risk in a project with the correct procedure. Write the correct letter next to the procedure.

Question 6
In your own words, describe how the following types of the legislation, regulations and codes affect the management of your project. The first example is done for you.

BSBPMG522 Undertake Project Work Assessment George Brown College Canada.