Assessment Task 2 – Project
Assessment instructions:
1.Read existing policy and procedure documents (in the appendices of your
Student Workbook)
2.Review the simulated workplace (case study) in the Appendix 1.
3.Undertake the project of developing research guidelines and work plan summary.
4.This task requires you to meet with your manager (assessor) and other stakeholders. Form the individuals with specific roles to role-play as agreed by your assessor.
5.Complete the following assessment task activities during the allowed assessment date/s and time/s.
6.The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor.
7.Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
8.Submit your work with any required evidence attached.
9.See the specifications below for details of submission requirements.
10.Time allowed for the assessment task is 3 hours.
BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research Assignment Task 2- International College of Melbourne AU.
Specifications to submit
You must provide:
- A revised signed contract for the identified consultant (Step 1)
- A series of written Weekly Monitoring Reports (Step 2)
Performance objective:
In this assessment you are required to contract and manage an external consultant to complete research for your organization and monitor work activities in regard to the research project.
Assessment context:
Simulated work environment. This assessment will be conducted within the training facility in the specific training room allocated for the trainee/s during the training sessions planned for assessment using simulated workplace scenario with the access to materials and equipment facilitated by your assessor.
Required resources:
1.Assessment task 2, instructions and case scenario in Appendix 1
2.Computer with Internet access and word-process software (MS Word)
3.Workspace, table, chair and stationery
Your assessor will be looking for:
- Evidence that you have examined the case study and have understood the requirements of contract research consultants for the organisation.
- manage market research activities in accordance with organisational market research policy and procedures
- evaluate research processes and findings against relevant market research project plan and work plans
Your Task
From the case study provided you are required to complete the following steps:
1.With the supplied generic external consultants’ contract, you need to meet
with the identified consultant (your assessor) from the case study and revise the contract to suit your requirements as the manager of the market
2.Using the supplied work activity information, develop weekly monitoring
reports that:
BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research Assignment Task 2- International College of Melbourne AU.
a) Progress of project
describes the progress of the market research project
b) Adherence to plan
describes the adherence of work activities to the research plan
c) Contractor performance
describes whether performance of external contractors is in line with
expectations and contractual requirements.
Case study:
The CEO has decided to use Lombards Consulting to carry out the market research work in relation to Houzit’s plan to add the lighting fittings category to the assortment offer.Working from head office as 12 Clarence street Hendra Queensland, you organise to have a contract drawn up that covers all the areas of agreement in relation to the work including milestones.
BSBMKG607 Manage Market Research Assignment Task 2- International College of Melbourne AU.
The following activities occurred during the market research project.
- The phases Definition/Scope and Consultant/Supplier Selection were completed by the 2nd week of the project. 5% complete
- Develop market research information needs questionnaire – on time
- Document information needs – one week late – 10% complete
- Identify information to be gathered in research – one week late
- Identify source of information – one week late – 15% complete
- Consultant requests Houzit purchase all research materials – You approve everything except for the Australian Chambers of Commerce, Australia wide surveys costing $1,450
- Identify research participant – on time
- Identify research technique – one week late
- Identify timing requirements and budget – two week late – 30% complete
- Consultant requests more time – You do not grant it.
- Primary Market Research including customer surveys, focus groups and interviews with Houzit staff/managers and customers. – Completed on time except for interviews with all Houzit managers and group buyer – 50% complete
- Consultant report difficulty working with store managers
- Secondary Market Research including the materials provided by Houzit.- Consultant requested internal customer data be taken off-site – You do not grant it – Completed on time – 70% complete
- Document research findings – on time
- Develop research report – two days late – 100% complete.