Section A – Assessment Information
Assessment Instructions:
For this assessment you are required to analyse two (2) countries and recommend one (1) of the two countries for an Australian organisation/company to expand internationally.
Suggested list of Australian companies to choose from include: Baxter Boots, Blundstone Footwear, Rip Curl, Billabong, Uggs-N-Rugs, Bega Cheese, Australian Vintage Limited wines, Penfolds, Accolade Wine, R.M.Williams, Sukin, A’kin, Vegemite, Holden, Cotton On, Bunnings Warehouse, Crumpler, Blackmores, Boag’s Brewery, Bluescope, Boost Juice, Bulla Diary Foods, Foster’s Group, Tarocash, Darrell Lea, Paspaley Pearl, Sportsgirl.
BSBMKG512 International Business Assessment – RMIT University Australia.

For this assessment students will work in groups of 2 to complete the country assessment report. The final report must be an individual submission. Students must not copy the work of others.
To complete this task, you must prepare the following two (2) documents:
1 a. A country assessment worksheet (Country Assessment Worksheet)
1 b. A country assessment report for an Australian company (Country Assessment Report)
Note, you will be provided with templates (and further instructions) to enable them to complete 1 a and 1 b. Refer to templates for further information and instruction.
To finalise these this documentation, you will need to work through all of the following activities 2-9:
2 a. Choose two (2) countries that you will research to prepare an assessment for. Gather some initial market intelligence on both of your chosen countries. You will need to collect information from at least two (2) different sources. One (1) of these sources must be through networking activities you take part in. The other source of information can include any of the following:
trade fairs you visited
conferences you attended
professional development activities, such as individual research, courses, membership of professional organisation(s) etc.
2 b. State all sources of information and analyse your findings. After analysing the two (2) countries, recommend one (1) of the two counties for the company’s business expansion.
3 a. Use at least two (2) forecasting techniques such as top-down and bottom-up forecasting, Delphi Technique, trend projection, to gather scenario planning and survey of buyers’ intentions method to gather intelligence and research from further sources of market intelligence information, in line with legal and organisational requirements. Sources
could include:
BSBMKG512 International Business Assessment – RMIT University Australia.

3 b. Research at least two (2) commercial services sources to obtain information on value for money and quality of market intelligence. Examples of source you could use include Banks, Financial advisors such KPMG, PwC, EY, Deloitte’s, and private research companies such as A.C.Nielsen, Roy Morgan. Note your sources of information you
accessed in the relevant section of your documents.
3 c. Based on your forecasts and the information you had available:
Provide a summary of the emerging international market needs (50-100 words)
State the advantages/disadvantages of using each technique (in relation to the desired business outcomes)
4.After collecting all market intelligence, evaluate the information and explain whether it is relevant and applicable to your chosen country and the company’s international activities and business needs including its impact in identifying:
Core activities, customer base, business values and current business direction
Marketing and other performance
Comparative market information
Changes in technology
Demographic changes
Political events
Social and cultural factors
Economic trends
Government activities and legislative changes
Industry trends
Justify your answers
5.In the international business objectives section, briefly mention the company’s main activities, their current target market (customer base), business values and current business direction.
6.Based on the information you have collected, document and analyse the strengths (e.g. capabilities), weaknesses(including one example of poor/under-serving of market needs) and critical success factors (e.g. reliance on resources) of the organisation relevant to its international business activity. Summarise the current position of the business in
your chosen market, including how competitive (strength) the business is.
7.Evaluate the businesses ability to compete with existing and potential competitors in the host country (degree of competitive intensity). You will need to look into at least two (2) different competitor products and/or services and provide a summary of how they are performing in the market.
8.Using trends from data sources identify and analyse any potential opportunities identify advance warning of potential threats or risks within the international business market, e.g. information on new products, services,technology or new international markets. State your sources of information.
9.Identify external factors that may affect the organisation’s international business activity. In your answer, include at least one (1) example of a legal (regulatory context), ethical and environmental constraint (i.e. 3 in total).
Word count: Between 2,500 to 3,000 words.
You will be provided half an hour before the conclusion of each class to work on this assessment task however you are expected to complete most of the assessment outside of class time.
You will be assessed according to their criteria outlined in the Criteria for Assessment on page 4. All criteria identified must be addressed to satisfactorily complete this Assessment Task.
Conditions for assessment
- For this assessment you will work in groups of 2 to complete the country assessment report. The final report must be an individual submission. You must not copy the work of others. (For more information regarding Academic Integrity please refer to RMIT Academic Integrity Guidelines)
- This is a written assessment. You must make arrangements with your assessor as soon as possible if you are eligible for special allowance or allowable adjustment to this assessment.
- You are allowed to seek clarification or guidance from your assessor about this assessment task
- You must submit your work online via Canvas
- You will be assessed as satisfactory or not satisfactory.
- You should ensure that you submit assessments on or before the due date.
- You are encouraged to retain a copy of their assessment tasks (hard copy and soft copy).
- Each page of the assessment should include header with the name, student number, the title of the assessment, unit code and title and page numbers.
- You can appeal the assessment decision according to the RMIT Assessment
Instructions on submitting your project/portfolio/report
Ensure that you name your documents appropriately according to the assessor requirements.

BSBMKG512 International Business Assessment – RMIT University Australia.
Equipment/resources students must supply:
Access to a laptop or mobile device
Internet access if not on campus
Equipment/resources to be provided by RMIT or the workplace:
Hard copies of the student version of this assessment task OR access to soft copies on Canvas
Access to Learning Management System Canvas
Appropriate space to complete the assessment in class where required
Suitable classroom with tables and chairs