Summary and Purpose of Assessment
The purpose of this case study is to allow you to develop the required skills and knowledge to collect statistical data and identify opportunities for import and export of products and/or services to the selected international market (that is, from Australia to another country).This case study task is one of two required of you to complete satisfactorily, in order to be deemed competent for this unit. For both assessments you will be looking at the fashion industry and in particular the category of active/sportswear.As a guideline, word count of the case study to be between 900 – 1200 words (graphs and appendix lists – do not count as word count)
BSBMKG511 Analyse Data From International Markets Assessment – RMIT University Australia.

Assessment Instructions:
To complete this assessment task you will have to analyse data collected from the following sources:
1.The Trade-map database available on the following
refer to the instructions on how to create the account/login are available in Canvas). Once logged in, students will have to research on the different ranges of data applicable for their chosen country and product. The information will be used to answer the range of questions listed below.
2.The website or another currency converter online that will provide them information on trends and developments
You will be required to:
1.Referring to the Trade-map database select five products that are imported and five products that are exported. Write a short analysis of the existing trade between Australia and your chosen country.
2.Create a visual presentation (graph) for each of the products selected, (as identified in Q1) and interpret the data by explaining what each graph represents.
a. Using either the website or another currency converter online you should enter $1AUD against your chosen country’s currency. A graph will be created automatically that displays data trends. You should provide your understanding and explain how the Australian dollar has fluctuated
in this time against your chosen country’s currency and determine the key data trends for the last 5 years. You must also provide a screenshot of the graph to support your answer.
3.Using the Trade-map database you must select one only category of your choice pertaining to the category of fashion industry and in particular active/sportswear, and then:
a. Identify and understand the cultural differences between the trade partner within Australia and international markets
b. You should explain what potential product opportunities may exist (from the 5 imports and 5 exports of products, identified above).
c. Explain the unit volume or dollar value turnover for your chosen category for a five-year cycle.
d. Describe your chosen product and outline the growth/decline of your product in the market cycle.
e. Identify who your competitors are supplying to in that product category
f. Explain how macro environmental factors such as cultural, historical, political and general knowledge of international events may impact on the viability of your product’s success
BSBMKG511 Analyse Data From International Markets Assessment – RMIT University Australia.

4.You must identify potential predictions of trends from the trade imports and exports based on items that have more than 3% volume (unit or value) with your chosen country. You are to also discuss and use appropriate
graphs to explain your predictions.
5.Referring to your graphs you created in question 4, analyse and explain the impact of these trends on your product (chosen from the fashion active/sportswear category).
6. For the chosen products identify what would you do differently to ensure that you maximise opportunities and minimise the threat.
7.The following range of sources are suggested for gathering data for the assessment.
In your report list which sources you used to identify external and internal information on international markets.
8.Conclude your report by explaining what research, data analysis and statistical analysis techniques you used to analyse the above market data sources.
9.You must reference all material (data) based on the RMIT University standard of Harvard referencing (go to Easy Cite RMIT.
As a guideline, word count is to be between 900 – 1200 words (graphs and appendix lists – do not count as word count)
Some class time will be allocated to work on this assessment. It is expected that you will perform the majority of your work on the assessment outside of class.
You will be assessed according to the criteria outlined in the Criteria for Assessment listed in the marking guide. To achieve satisfactory result, you will need to address all criteria satisfactorily
Instructions on submitting the Product Assessment
This is to Inform you on how to upload your assessment in Canvas by due date.
The due date is identified above in Duration and/or due date: and is to be uploaded to canvas in the student assessment area in the RED button, which is asking you to upload and is to be in the saved in the correct format:
save file as: student number_your name_assess task 1.doc
Conditions for assessment:
- You must submit your file in Canvas by the due date. Your assessor will assess the documentation you provide, and you will receive the feedback within 2 weeks of your submission
- You must complete the task by due date.
- Please make arrangements with your assessor at least one week prior to the assessment due date if you feel you require special allowance or allowable adjustment to this task
- Please name your file as . For example, 23456789 JohnSmith_BSBMKG511_Case study.docx
- You will have the opportunity to resubmit any product deemed unsatisfactory (one resubmit is allowed per unit).
- You will be assessed as satisfactory or not satisfactory
- If you require extension of time (up to seven days) you must apply in advance the prior to the assessment due date if you feel that you require special allowance or allowable adjustment to this task. How to apply instructions are available
- For the other circumstances and types of assessments you need to apply for Special Consideration. More information is available
- You can appeal the assessment decision according to the RMIT Assessment Processes
BSBMKG511 Analyse Data From International Markets Assessment – RMIT University Australia.

Equipment/resources you must supply:
• Laptop/Computer and relevant software
• Access to internet if working off campus
Equipment/resources to be provided by RMIT or the workplace:
• Class space
• Library resources
• Internet access
• Study space
• Assessor available to answer questions