BSBMED301 Interpret & Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately Assignment-My e campus Australia.

Assessment – Case Study

Please read through the following scenario. Reflect on your learning and your own research within this unit.
Your responses must reflect your knowledge, skills, and application for this unit. The glossary, intake form and audio recording prepared should display your ability to use medical terminology in the described scenario.
BSBMED301 Interpret & Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately Assignment-My e campus Australia.

BSBMED301 Interpret & Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately Assignment-My e campus Australia.


You have accepted the role of Practice Manager for Healthy Families – a large, busy, privately owned physiotherapy practice. You are responsible for the smooth running of the practice, all compliance, and the management of all staff.

During the first weeks in the role, you realise that there is a significant gap in knowledge in medical terminology amongst the administrators. To resolve this, you must design the following documents as tools for staff to use:
1.A glossary of commonly used terminology for the physiotherapy practice.
2.Produce a client intake form that includes medical terms that are used in the practice.
3.An audio recording of a typical medical conversation using the supplied role play script.

Please see the role play script you are to us on the following page.

You are an Allied Health Assistant in a Physiotherapists Team Meeting and are reporting back on observations made while working with a client in an exercise program. You will need a volunteer to play one of the roles with you.

BSBMED301 Interpret & Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately Assignment-My e campus Australia.

BSBMED301 Interpret & Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately Assignment-My e campus Australia.

Script for recording

Physiotherapist: Now Meredith how did you go with the home exercise guide document for our new client?

Assistant: Yes, it’s for David Jacobson. I’m trying to create an exercise instruction guide that his carers would be able to implement. He is at risk of Dysphagia so I have used our standard set of instructions for both ante cibum and post cibum to ensure the food is chewed and swallowed correctly and safely. But he also has a mobility problem and needs some other exercises and possibly aids to be added to the treatment program.

Physiotherapist: Thanks for the update. What is going on for David? Is the he still walking?

Assistant: He is, however his form is slowly deteriorating with worsening pronation and his acute Achilles Tendonitis is becoming more painful. David’s ankle support needs reassessment with the worsening pronation. Mobility is also becoming very limited due to the tendonitis. My thoughts were we might need to consider something for corrective support of the pronation and I am not sure about the tendonitis.

Physiotherapist: Well I agree, he’s due for a reassessment. Please contact David to come in and see me as we need to review the tendonitis with reduced mobility and consider referrals to a podiatrist as that may be more related to arch shape deterioration for the pronation and he may need orthotics.

Assistant: Certainly, I’ll organise that after this meeting. What about making plans for obtaining a wheelchair for when his condition worsens. Do you have any ideas for the type of wheelchair that would most suit him?

Physiotherapist: That’s getting a bit ahead of ourselves. Let’s get them back in for an assessment on the tendonitis and pronation first. However, while that happens please also investigate options available for a modifiable wheelchair that can support David if the condition progresses and mobility is lost.

BSBMED301 Interpret & Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately Assignment-My e campus Australia.

BSBMED301 Interpret & Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately Assignment-My e campus Australia.

Assistant: Yes that sounds great, thank you.

Quality outcomes

Ensure the following for your submission:
i) It is grammatically correct.
ii) It is error-free.
iii) There are separate paragraphs for each new content/topic or discussions. Include references to relevant legislation, which must be defined.

Tip: Read all text aloud in order to identify any gaps and correct them. Ask another person to proof read your work in order to check for accuracy before you submit.

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