Assessment Task 3 Written report: Workforce or Organizational Learning Strategy Plan
Schedule TBC
Learning Outcome Alignment 1,2 & 3
Competency Element Alignment 1,2,3,4 & 5
Length 3500 words maximum
Value (% of 100 overall unit marks) 55%
Written Report: Workforce or Organizational Learning Strategy Plan. Description and requirements
The Organizational/Workforce Learning Strategy provides you an opportunity to demonstrate you’re learning from within the unit, as it relates to a relevant need and learning or development intervention(s). The final report must evidence your understanding of the concepts and your ability to conceive where and how needs will be addressed through learning and development and the benefit created through this strategy.
BSBLED802 Lead Learning Strategy Implementation Assignment Task 3-Traning A Joint Initiative Australia

1.Executive summary
2.Vision or Mission
3.Environmental analysis (internal and external)
4.Stakeholder Analysis
5.Workforce profile (audience identification and profile)
6.Learning Strategic Goals and Indicators (this may include key result areas, goals/objectives and measures/key performance indicators)
7.Learning Plan (proposed training, education & development solutions/ sourcing requirements)
8.Action Plan (roles, responsibilities, etc. covering implementation)
9.Risk Analysis
10.Financial/ Resource Plan
11.Evaluation (measures, data type and sources, how collected, etc.)
Report is in formal business report style and should selectively include academic referencing and format (i.e. report style with citations and structure conforming to an approved academic style guide.)
Lead Learning Strategy Implementation Workbook C has been provided as a possible template to organise and structure your report for this assessment.
BSBLED802 Lead Learning Strategy Implementation Assignment Task 3-Traning A Joint Initiative Australia

Assessment Indicators
- Articulation of the overall learning strategy and purpose in relation the organisation’s strategy, organisational development strategy and prevailing learning technology and infrastructure.
- Clarity of needs assessment: Data collection, analysis and reporting
- Detail provided for risk analysis and/or associated analysis
- Precision of Learning Strategic Goals and selected solution
- Research and application of workplace learning or planning principles
- Impact and benefit likely to be derived by the organisation/ entity