BSBLED501 Develop a workplace learning environment Assignment-Australian Vocational Training Institute

Assessment Resource Summary
Unit Details BSBLED501 – Develop a workplace learning environment
Assessment Type This is a summative assessment, which requires each student to have adequate practice prior to undertaking this assessment
Assessment Methods Projects Assessment 1 (Part A)

(Develop a TNA)


Assessment 1 (Part C)

(Develop a Learning Program)


Assessment 3

(Develop Policy + Report)

Observations Assessment 1 (Part B)

(Implement the TNA)


Assessment 2

(Implement a Learning Plan)

Written Assessment or Project Assessment 4

(Written Assessment  /  Project)

Unit Summary
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to encourage and support the development of a learning environment in which work and learning come together. Particular emphasis is on the development of strategies to facilitate and promote learning, and to monitor and improve learning performance.

This unit applies to managers. All managers have a prominent role in encouraging, supporting and facilitating the development of a learning environment in which work and learning come together.

At this level work will normally be carried out within complex and diverse methods and procedures, which require the exercise of considerable discretion and judgement, using a range of problem solving and decision making strategies.

Unit Code: BSBLED501
Unit Title: Develop a workplace learning environment
Please attach the following student evidence to this form Result

S = Satisfactory

NS = Not Satisfactory

NA = Not Assessed

Assessment 1 q  TNA attached

q  Written report

q  Learning plan attached

q  Checklist attached (including observation)

S  |  NS  |  NA
Assessment 2 q  Checklist attached (observation of implementing learning plan) S  |  NS  |  NA
Assessment 3 q  Policy + Procedure attached

q  Written report attached

q  Checklist attached

S  |  NS  |  NA
Assessment 4 q  Written assessment  /  Project attached S  |  NS  |  NA
Final Assessment Result for this unit C  /  NYC

ASSESSMENT 1 – BSBLED501 Develop a workplace learning environment


Part A

You are to develop a Training Needs Analysis for a particular area within a workplace of your choice.  It is important that the Training Needs Analysis is mapped to your chosen industry benchmarks.  It must be able to identify and analyse the skill gaps of the individual by using a range of methods and sources.

Along with submitting your TNA, you are to provide a written report that:

  • Explains your reasons for the TNA methods chosen?
  • Details how you will establish gaps in knowledge and skills?
  • Explains how you would gather feedback about a team member’s performance.
  • Details the sources would you refer to in order to source this information?
  • Describes how will you analyse the feedback from these sources and also take into account other information you have obtained about their performance?
  • Details any other information could you refer to find out where skill gaps are?

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Part B

Using the TNA developed in Part A, you are to conduct a skills analysis on a colleague.  Provide the completed skills analysis as evidence (this will be observed by your assessor)

Part C

Relating to the outcomes of Part B, you are to develop a long term learning plan for developing the skills gaps identified.  Your learning plan may include:

  • Codes of conduct
  • Key Performance Indicators
  • OHS Requirements
  • Negotiated agreement with the individual
  • Performance Standards
  • Team competencies
  • Work options and processes
  • Team roles and responsibilities

Your learning plan must include a strategy to ensure that it reflects the diversity of your learners needs

You are to hand in your long term learning plan for assessment

Please feel free to talk with your assessor if you require any clarification of these tasks.


PART A – Whilst developing the TNA, did the student Satisfactory Comments
Identify a suitable area for the development of a TNA r Yes r No
Identify the benchmarks / competencies that relate to the specific job role / task r Yes r No
Determine a rating system to detail competency level r Yes r No
Allow for self analysis from the candidate r Yes r No
Allow for identification of skill gaps r Yes r No
Allow for recording of results r Yes r No
TNA Attached r Yes r No
PART C – Does the students learning plans, Satisfactory Comments
Include goals of the candidate in relation to skills and knowledge in question r Yes r No
Include mentoring, training, practice, or other long term activities r Yes r No
Include a session plan for one of or part of a skill and knowledge to be improved r Yes r No
Include opportunities for practice r Yes r No
Ensure learning delivery methods are appropriate to the learning goals r Yes r No
Ensure it is suitable to the candidates learning style and equipment / resources available r Yes r No
Include any formative assessment methods to gauge progression r Yes r No
Include resources required r Yes r No
Detail required time-lines for completion of learning activities / progression throughout the program r Yes r No
Include an effective strategy to ensure it reflected the diversity of the learners needs r Yes r No
Use local opportunities r Yes r No
Provide realistic KPI’s r Yes r No
Include opportunities to gain feedback on progress from candidate and/or others r Yes r No
Learning plan attached r Yes r No

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This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment requirements.

Following from Assessment 1, you are to follow the implementation of your learning plan with your learner for the duration of this course.  This will require you to:

  • Encourage your learner to follow their learning plan
  • Assist your learner in identifying and applying your chosen learning strategies
  • Encourage each learner to continually assess their own competencies to identify their own learning and development needs
  • Determine the type (and extent) of any additional work-based work that is required
  • Obtain feedback and continually update / enhance your learners learning program

Maintain records of your learners progress

Whilst implementing and monitoring their learners progress (of implementing the learning plan), did the student: Satisfactory Comments
Ensure their learner understood their individualised learning plan r Yes r No
Encourage their learner to apply the plan r Yes r No
Liaise with specialists or professionals to gain guidance and relevant information r Yes r No
Encourage their learner to share their skills with others r Yes r No
Encourage their learner to continually look for ways to improve their skills r Yes r No
Guide their learner and ensure they self evaluated their own skills and identify their own learning and development needs r Yes r No
Model through their own example an interest in continual learning opportunities r Yes r No
Recognise their learners achievement in a timely manner r Yes r No
Action any errors or lack of achievement from their learner through positive encouragement and reinforcement r Yes r No
Identify any additional work-based learning activities that may assist their learner in achieving their goals r Yes r No
Gain feedback from their learner (and others) to improve the learning plan r Yes r No
Make continual improvements to their learners plans as appropriate r Yes r No
Record their learners progress appropriately r Yes r No
Completed session plan attached


This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment requirements.

For this task, you are required to research and develop a written strategy for a business that provides for internal staff improvement.  This strategy should include:

  • A detailed policy and procedure that covers staff development including:
    • Identification
    • Staff consultation and communication
    • Problem identification and resolution
    • Record keeping process
    • Balance of both work based and structured learning
    • Implementation process
    • Ongoing evaluations
  • A written report that outlines the importance of maintaining an effective learning environment within an organisation

Be sure to align this process with an industry (service, sales, etc) that you are looking to enter on completion of this course.  If you are struggling to identify a suitable industry, please talk to your assessor for guidance

This project needs to be presented at an acceptable industry level.  This means it should be comprehensive, and in a format that can be implemented into the workplace

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Please refer to the instructions below regarding completing this assessment

Written Assessment Project
This is a closed book written assessment. In the time allocated, you are to answer all of the following questions.  Make sure you:

·         Print Clearly

·         Answer all questions

·         Use a pen.  Assessments written in pencil will not be accepted.

·         Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question.  Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-word the question for you

·         Do not talk to your classmates.  If you are caught talking, you will be asked to leave and your assessment will not be marked.

·         Do not cheat or plagiarise the work of others.  Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit.  There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.

You are to research and answer all of the following questions.  Be sure to:

·         Print Clearly

·         Answer all questions

·         Use a pen.  Assessments written in pencil will not be accepted.

·         Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question.  Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-word the question for you

·         Return your assessment by the date set by your assessor

·         Do not cheat or plagiarise the work of others.  Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit.  There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.

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