BSBLDR502 Lead & Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Assessment.

ASSESSMENT TASK 1 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Sessional Training Activities Assessment summary:
This assessment is a formative assessment during training for you to do at the end of each training session in order to test your skills and knowledge application ongoing basis related to the unit BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships and its elements and performance criteria.
BSBLDR502 Lead & Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Assessment.

BSBLDR502 Lead & Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Task 1 Formative Assessment- ICM Australia.

Assessment description:
This assessment requires the learner to complete each activity with applicable solutions related to lead and manage effective workplace relationships at a workplace.

Performance objective:

To test your ability to perform ongoing basis after completion of each criterion of the workbook including foundation skills required to lead and manage effective workplace relationships at a workplace.

Formative Assessment Instructions:

1.This is a formative assessment and you are required to use foundation skills and complete activities at the end of each training session.
2.Read through the activity very carefully after training is complete for a criterion.
3.When instructed to do so, provide solutions to the activity.
4.You can use workbook and any other sources of information during this formative assessment.
5.Address the activities and their terminologies in your solutions.
6.You are allowed an applicable time limits to complete the activity after completion of each criterion of the workbook.
7.The written solutions should be completed using clear English.
8.The assessment task is due on the time and date specified by your assessor.
9.Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
10.See specifications below for details.

Specifications to submit (details of items for submission)
You must provide written solutions to all the activities using a pen or word-processed document as instructed by your assessor.

Your assessor will be looking for:
Your demonstrated performance to complete the tasks outlined using following foundation skills:


Write written solutions to the following 12 activities using the space provided

Activity 1
1.Provide three examples of performance indicators that might be used to measure the achievement of work responsibilities for a job of your choosing.
2.Provide two examples of the feedback hamburger that might be used to communicate information associated with the achievement of work responsibilities.
3.How often do you think information associated with the achievement of work responsibilities should be communicated to workers? Explain.

BSBLDR502 Lead & Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Task 1 Formative Assessment- ICM Australia.

BSBLDR502 Lead & Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Task 1 Formative Assessment- ICM Australia.

Activity 2
You are considering changing procedures related to organizing staff rosters. This is likely to affect the hours employees work.
1.Why would it be a good idea to consult workers in this instance. Provide at least three reasons.
2.Do you have a legal responsibility to consult workers in this instance?
3.If you were going to consult worker about staff rosters, what method would you use consult employees to ensure they have an opportunity to contribute to issues related to their work role? Why?
4.What feedback would you provide to workers on the outcome of the consultation process? (50-70 words)

Activity 3

You lead a team of employees. A number of them have raised an issue that is affecting their ability to meet set targets. Specifically, they have advised you that the budget they are working with does not allow them to secure the resources needed to effectively carry out their job.
1.List the six steps in process you would implement to try to resolve the issue raised promptly resolve the issue.
2.After implementing the steps in the previous question, you find that the only way to solve the problem is to provide workers with more financial resources, however, you do not have the authority to increase their budget. What would you do? (120 – 150 words)

Activity 4
1.You have recently hired a woman from a Muslim background who wears a hijab. After a short time within the organization she tells you that she does not feel comfortable in the workplace.

Specifically, she tells you that:

  • Other workers have made derogatory statements about her religion.
  • There are pictures hung around the office that she finds offensive.
  • She has been told that she cannot observe religious requirements like prayer time.
  • She has been told that she cannot wear the hijab because it does not form part of the organization’s uniform
    Identify seven policies or responses you could implement to address these issues.

2.You have found that a number of employees are not adhering to the ethical values of the organization. When you to them about this, they tell you that they are unaware that what they were doing was wrong and that they have never seen the organization’s code of ethics. Identify eight things you could do to make existing employees aware of their ethical responsibilities.

Activity 5

1.How would you define trust in one sentence?
2.Identify and describe two traits that you have that would help you to gain and maintain the trust and confidence of colleagues and external contracts. Provide an example of time when you demonstrated each trait.
3.Identify and describe the type of behaviour you find most damaging to trusting relationships. Explain how it might affect relationships with external relationships.

Activity 6

1.You want to take a new worker to lunch to find out how they are setting into their job. The person does not speak English as a first language and you are worried that you will not be able to make yourself understood over a meal. How might you adjust own interpersonal communication styles to converse with the person successfully taking cultural diversity and language issues into account? Provide at least 20 examples in a bullet point list.

2.Provide three examples of unethical communication.

3.Two new team members have joined your team. One of them is from India and the other is from Japan. There is a team member who is having difficulty building a relationship with them effectively. How would you guide and support the work team in their personal adjustment process? Provide at least ten examples in a bullet point list.

Activity 7

1.You have started a business selling health and protein shakes. You want to increase the sales of the product. Make a list of three of the people/organizations you might network with to help you achieve this identifiable outcome and describe the contribution they could make. (60 – 90 words)

2.You need to learn more about ways to encourage the performance of team members. Make a list of three people/ departments you might build workplace relationships with to achieve this identifiable outcome for the team and the organisation and describe the contribution they could make. (40 – 60 words)

BSBLDR502 Lead & Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Task 1 Formative Assessment- ICM Australia.

BSBLDR502 Lead & Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Task 1 Formative Assessment- ICM Australia.

Activity 8

1.You have recently attended an industry event where you met a contact who you think would be able to provide you with a lot of advice about how to market your organization. What would you do to begin to develop and maintain the relationship? Why would you do this? (40 – 60 words)

2.A person from another department has referred a lot of new clients to you. They do not have to do it. It does not form part of their job description. Identify three things you could do to develop, maintain and show that you value the relationship.

Activity 9
1.Propose at least two strategies for identifying difficulties with workplace relationships that have not been mentioned in the text.
2.Natalie and Joseph are workmates. Joseph has young children and like to have time off in school holiday time to look after them as he has difficulty finding others to look after them during these days. He becomes very upset that Natalie always ask for time of during school holidays event though she does not have children. She argues that she wants this time off because her boyfriend is a school teacher, and this is the only time they can spend time together and travel. They cannot both have time off over school holidays as this would leave this department shirt staffed. The situation is causing difficulties in their workplace relationship.

a.What strategy would you use to resolve this situation? Briefing describe each step of the strategy to be used.
b.Describe a win/win, win/lose and lose/lose resolution for this situation in three separate short sentences.

Activity 10
1.Explain the processes and systems that can be established to manage and resolve conflict constructively.
2.Two workers are engaged in a conflict related to who should answer their manager’s phone and take messages when the manger is not present. They both feel that they are too busy and too important to be required to do this. Describe the signs you would look for to identify they are handling the conflict constructively. (110 – 140 words)
3.Provide two examples of:
a.Emotionally based conflict
b.Values based conflict
c.Need based conflict

4.Outline a conflict management process.

Activity 11
1.Identify and describe three qualities that would help leaders to provide guidance, counselling and support to assist co-workers in resolving their work difficulties. (100 – 200 words)

2.You are talking to a co-worker who is very upset that another worker has given them information that was inaccurate, and this caused them to look bad in front of another manager. You ask them what the worker said when they confronted them, and they reply by saying “Who cares? There’s just no excuse for what they did. Nothing can say make it right” What are at least four pieces of guidance or counselling that you would offer them?

Activity 12

1.You are working with two employees because one has made some negative comments about the other’s culture. Draw up an action plan that could be used to address this identified difficulty. Strategies might include such things as cultural awareness training or counselling, but you are required to identify at least two more strategies on your own. (One – two pages)

BSBLDR502 Lead & Manage Effective Workplace Relationships Task 1 Formative Assessment- ICM Australia.

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