Assessment Type | This is a summative assessment, which requires each student to have adequate practice prior to undertaking this assessment | |
Assessment Methods | Projects | Assessment 1
(Developing recruitment, selection & induction process) Assessment 2 (Preparing position vacancy) Assessment 3 (Development of Induction Kit) |
Observations | Assessment 2
(Staff Recruitment Role-play) Assessment 3 (Staff Induction Role-play) |
Written Assessment or Project | Assessment 4
(Written Assessment / Project) |
Summary: BSBHRM506 Manage Recruitment Selection and Induction Processes
Unit Summary |
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to manage all aspects of the recruitment selection and induction processes in accordance with organisational policies and procedures.
This unit applies to human resources managers or human resources personnel who take responsibility for managing all aspects of selecting new staff and orientating those staff to their new positions. It is not assumed that the manager will be directly involved in the selection processes themselves, although this may well be the case. In small organisations this role may belong to someone who is not a dedicated human resources professional; the unit however will still be applicable |
ASSESSMENT 1 : Student Information
You are to develop a recruitment, selection and induction process for new recruits into your organisation / department. Document your process so that it covers the points below. Be sure to:
- Analyse strategic and operational plans and policies to identify relevant policies and objectives
- Develop recruitment, selection and induction policies and processes, and supporting documents
- Utilise appropriate technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment/selection process
- Obtain support for your policies and procedures from your assessor
- Trial and measure against your objectives all forms, procedures and induction processes (making all necessary changes)
- Explain your policies and procedures to your assessor when you submit this task
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To complete this task, you will need to consider yourcurrent or future HR needs within your organisation through consulting with the relevant managers and sections within your organisation. Your assessor can perform the role of your supervisor to answer any questions you have regarding the development of this project if required.
Your recruitment policies and procedures may address:
- application processing
- competency profiling
- documentation and use of standard forms
- equal opportunity, anti-discrimination and diversity principles
- interviewing methodologies
- job analysis
- job classifications, assessment centres
- job description
- job evaluation
- privacy and confidentiality
- probationary periods
- psychometric assessment
- recruitment advertising
- reference checks
- selection panels and their composition
- the application of commercial software packages to improve efficiency in recruitment and selection processes
- training for new staff
- use of external agencies
Finally, you are to gain, consider and respond to feedback regarding the effectiveness of both your recruitment and induction processes. Consider talking with other managers, team leaders and those who will be involved in the implementation of these procedures. You are to detail the feedback received and outline the amendments / improvements made to your processes.
In undertaking this project, did the student | Satisfactory | Comments |
Identify the reasons required for development of this process | r Yesr No | |
Consult with others to determine future HR needs | r Yesr No | |
Develop a recruitment and selection processes that provides for:
r Yesr No
r Yesr No r Yesr No r Yesr No r Yesr No r Yesr No r Yesr No |
Consider continuous improvement of recruitment process | r Yesr No | |
Check all documentation for accuracy | r Yesr No | |
Test documents prior to submission (to reduce risk of errors) | r Yesr No | |
Allow for training of staff in this process | r Yesr No | |
Develop an induction processes that provides for:
r Yesr No
r Yesr No r Yesr No r Yesr No r Yesr No r Yesr No r Yesr No r Yesr No |
Produces all documentation in a professional format | r Yesr No | |
Produces all documentation by set deadline | r Yesr No | |
Original recruitment, selection and induction process attached | r Yesr No | |
Review – Did the student | ||
Arrange a time to discuss the recruitment and induction process with relevant stakeholders (supervisors, peers, managers, etc) | r Yesr No | |
Solicit feedback on the appropriateness and effectiveness of each process | r Yesr No | |
Respond to feedback received, ensuring it is relevant and appropriate to the organisations direction on recruitment and induction | r Yesr No | |
Update / amend processes as required | r Yesr No | |
Updated recruitment, selection and induction process attached | r Yesr No |
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Working with another person, you will be required to prepare for and conduct face to face interviews with a minimum of 2 applicants for either one of the positions detailed in Assessment 1, or for an administrative assistant. You will be provided with 4 job applications from other students. Your partner and yourself will form the selection panel, and are expected to:
- Develop relevant interview questions
- Short list candidates from the applications provided
- Interview each candidate as outlined below***1
- Select the most suitable candidate for the position (or explain why no candidate is suitable)
- Negotiate salary and employment conditions with successful candidate***2
- Contact the students referee (to be role played by your assessor)
- Advise the successful candidate of the result in writing
- Advise the unsuccessful candidate of the result in writing
- Provide an employment contract and relevant workplace forms to your chosen candidate
- Advise all other relevant people of the new employee within the organisation (other members to be role-played by the assessor)
You are to allocate 2 other students to play the role of the candidate, whilst you perform the role of the employer. In the event that the other students are not suitable for this role-play, you can perform the role of one candidate, and another staff member can perform the role of the second candidate
When providing a total package for offer, ensure you entail gross salary, superannuation, employment conditions (in line with students process), and other benefits on offer. Keep the figures realistic to the level of the position being offered.
Things to consider whilst role-playing the interviewer:
- Be organised
- Prepare a selection criteria to use for each interview
- Know your position
- Know your company
- Arrange access to all required documentation for this process
- Be prepared to ask questions
- Be prepared to be asked questions
Things to consider whilst role-playing the job seeker:
- Be prepared
- Develop your CV
- Apply sincerely for the position – use it as practice for real job applicants
- Have questions ready
- Answer all questions to the best of your ability
- Try to win the job
It is important that you take this role-play seriously. Think of it as an opportunity to practice for a real job interview, and to improve your interview skills.
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In completing this task, did the student | Satisfactory | Comments | |||
Follow the process as developed in Assessment 1 | r Yesr No | ||||
Identify a suitable vacancy | r Yesr No | ||||
Explain their reasoning for creating this vacancy | r Yesr No | ||||
Develop a position descriptor for the vacancy that details:
r Yesr No
r Yesr No r Yesr No r Yesr No
Develop job advertisements for at least 2 media streams that were:
r Yesr No
r Yesr No r Yesr No r Yesr No r Yesr No
Identify accurate costs involved with lodging both job advertisements | r Yesr No | ||||
Conduct 2 job interview ensuring they | Candidate 1 | Candidate 2 | Comments | ||
Review application submissions | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Short list applications to find most appropriate for position | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Indicate specific questions for each candidate based on submissions | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Consult with panel member/s to determine appropriate questions and interview format | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Dressed appropriately | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Communicated effectively | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Explained the position requirements | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Ensure questioning does not breach legal requirements (EEO, Anti-Discrimination, etc) | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Use a specified selection criteria on both applicants to ensure a fair interviewing process | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Identified the candidates strengths | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Identified the candidates strengths | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Identified the candidates areas for improvement | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Allow candidate to ask questions of make comment | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Explain rest of selection process | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Discuss interviews with selection panel, including strengths and weaknesses of interviewees | r Yesr No | ||||
Select the most suitable candidate for the position (or explain why no candidate is suitable) | r Yesr No | ||||
Agree on most suitable candidate (or no candidate) with panel member/s | r Yesr No | ||||
Contact referee and discuss candidates skills, ability and attitude | r Yesr No | ||||
Use probing questions to elicit information from referee | r Yesr No | ||||
Prepare a selection report and provide it to manager for approval | r Yesr No | ||||
Negotiate salary and employment conditions with successful candidate in line with salary boundaries set by assessor | r Yesr No | ||||
Advise the successful candidate of the result in writing | r Yesr No | ||||
Advise the unsuccessful candidate of the result in writing | r Yesr No | ||||
Advise manager, team members and HR of appointment (in terms of developing a memo or email) | r Yesr No | ||||
Contact the successful applicant to arrange an induction | r Yesr No | ||||
Provide successful candidate with employment contract and other relevant documentation (ATO, Superannuation, etc) | r Yesr No | ||||
TWO (2) job advertisements attached | r Yesr No | ||||
Position description attached | r Yesr No | ||||
Successful and unsuccessful letters attached | r Yesr No |
This information is to be handed to each student to outline the assessment requirements
For this task you are required manage and deliver a staff induction program
(minimum 20 minutes).
You will be observed conducting this induction program by your assessor for your candidate you employed in Assessment 2 appointment.
You will need to be prepared for this program, which requires you to develop a staff induction kit that:
- Provides an introduction to your business
- Provides information to your new employee regarding:
- Salary
- Conditions of employment
- KPI’s
- Accountability
- Any relevant internal procedures
Don’t forget to source and provide any legal documentation required to be provided in this task!
You will be required to submit your staff induction kit at the time of your assessment
Finally, you are to both reflect on and gain, consider and respond to feedback regarding the effectiveness of the induction processes. Consider talking with other managers, team leaders and those who will be involved in the implementation of these procedures. You are to detail the feedback received and outline the amendments / improvements made to your processes.
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In completing this task, did the student | Induction | Induction Pack | Comments | ||
Dressed appropriately | r Yesr No | Not applicable | |||
Communicated clearly and effectively | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Discuss, receive and agree with employment conditions | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Provide the job description | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Provide TFN Declaration (ATO) | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Provide Superannuation Fund application | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Complete other paperwork as outlined in process developed in Assessment 1 | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Complete other paperwork as outlined in process developed in Assessment 1 | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Complete other paperwork as outlined in process developed in Assessment 1 | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Complete other paperwork as outlined in process developed in Assessment 1 | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Complete employment contract as developed in Assessment 1 | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Allow for interaction from new employee | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Discuss any OHS regulations | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Comment on improvements at completion of program | r Yesr No | r Yesr No | |||
Induction pack attached | — | ||||
Review – Did the student | |||||
Reflect on the implementation of the induction program and consider the induction outcomes against the expected results | r Yesr No | ||||
Arrange a time to discuss the induction process with relevant stakeholders (supervisors, peers, managers, etc) | r Yesr No | ||||
Solicit feedback on the appropriateness and effectiveness of the induction process | r Yesr No | ||||
Respond to feedback received, ensuring it is relevant and appropriate to the organisations direction on recruitment and induction | r Yesr No | ||||
Update / amend processes as required | r Yesr No | ||||
Updated induction process attached | r Yesr No |
Written Assessment | Project |
This is a closed book written assessment. In the time allocated, you are to answer all of the following questions. Make sure you:
· Print Clearly · Answer all questions · Use a pen. Assessments written in pencil will not be accepted. · Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-word the question for you · Do not talk to your classmates. If you are caught talking, you will be asked to leave and your assessment will not be marked. · Do not cheat or plagiarise the work of others. Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. |
You are to research and answer all of the following questions. Be sure to:
· Print Clearly · Answer all questions · Use a pen. Assessments written in pencil will not be accepted. · Ask your assessor if you do not understand a question. Whist your assessor cannot tell you the answer, he/she may be able to re-word the question for you · Return your assessment by the date set by your assessor · Do not cheat or plagiarise the work of others. Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. |