Assessment Task 2- Project Design and develop templates and standard text About this assessment:
This assessment is about a case study analysis of a simulated business in order to design and develop templates and develop standard text for documents for a business related to the unit BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development and its elements and performance criteria.
BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment.

Performance objective :
Candidate is to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to design and develop templates and develop standard text for documents for a business.
Assessment description:
Using the simulated business information provided in this task, and in response to a scenario, you will design and develop templates and develop standard text for documents.
BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment-The Institute Of Business & Management Australia.
Assessment instructions:
1.Read the scenario information provided in Appendix 1.
2.Review and familiarise yourself with Adapt Owl scenario in Appendix 1.
3.Review and evaluate current and future business needs of Adept Owl.
4.Review and analyse information for formatting in Appendix 2 for reference.
5.Complete the following assessment task activities during the allowed assessment time.
6.The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor.
7.Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
8.Submit your work with any required evidence attached.
9.See specifications below for details.
10.Time allowed for the assessment task is 3 hours.
BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment-The Institute Of Business & Management Australia.

Assessment task activities:
Using software technology to manage business document design and development, perform and complete the following activities in a word-processed document.
Activity 1:
In response to the scenario and referring as required to the Adept Owl simulated business documentation provided, evaluate the purpose, audience and information requirements for a letter template and an expense report.
Activity 2:
Develop a draft letter template, including standard text, that:
a. meets scenario requirements including information and audience requirements for standard text, style and tone
b.follows the Adept Owl style guide
c.includes at least one suitable editing macro (remember, to save a macro in a template, you need to Save As a Macro-Enabled Template)
d.includes fields for use with mail-merge.
Activity 3:
Develop a draft expense report template (see example in Appendix 1) that:
a.meets organisational requirements set out in the scenario
b.includes at least one suitable macro to improve the usability of the expense report template.
c.includes one other feature such as drop-down lists or form fields to further automate or standardise document production.
Activity 4:
Agree a time frame for usability testing with your assessor (acting in the role of a senior manager) and test templates.
Activity 5:
Develop a testing schedule in accordance with agreed time frame
Activity 6:
Conduct peer usability testing with fellow learners and collect written feedback on templates. Specifically request feedback on readability, appearance and usability. Submit draft templates to assessor, who, in the role of a senior manager will provide feedback for improving template design from the standpoint of the organisation.
Activity 7:
Make improvements to the two templates to incorporate feedback.
Activity 8:
Print a hard copy of the final expense report according to organisational requirements.
BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development.

Activity 9:
Write a reflection in which you describe the process you undertook to design and develop standard text for the letter template and expense report template. Ensure you include a description of how you:
a.incorporated organisational and audience needs into your templates
b.reviewed, evaluated and selected technology and complex technical functions for use in automating document production, matching document requirements with software functions to allow efficient production of documents
c.reviewed and selected document designs and layout in accordance with organisational house style requirements
d.efficiently planned and tested templates and gathered feedback on usability within agreed time frame. Describe user feedback. Describe testing process: testing of macros; testing of mail merge.
Activity 10:
Review documentation standards and submit documents to your assessor within an agreed time frame. Ensure your documents reflect specifications as outlined below. Keep copies of all submitted materials for your records.
BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment-The Institute Of Business & Management Australia.