BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development.

Assessment Task 3- Project
Develop strategies for use and improvement of standard documentation. 

About this assessment:
This assessment is about a case study analysis of a simulated business in order to develop and implement strategies for the use of standard documentation and for continuous improvement of standard documentation within an organisational context for a business related to the unit. BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development and its elements and performance criteria.
BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment-The Institute Of Business & Management Australia.

Performance objective:

Candidate is to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop and implement strategies for the use of standard documentation and for continuous improvement of standard documentation within an organisational context for a business.

Assessment description:

In response to a simulated business case study and a scenario, and following on from Assessment Task 2, you will plan and deliver a short training session to introduce staff to new templates. You will monitor both the success of the training and the performance of the administration team and present findings in a written evaluation report.
Note: You will need to use the letter template developed in Assessment Task 2 to complete this task.

BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment-The Institute Of Business & Management Australia.

BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment-The Institute Of Business & Management Australia.

Assessment instructions:

1.Read the scenario information provided in Appendix 1.
2.Examine team performance and capability set out in in the scenario.
3.Develop a training strategy for your staff on business document design and development
4.Consult with your assessor to determine which staff member (Pat, Sam or Kim) you will plan training for.
5.Complete the following assessment task activities during the allowed assessment time.
6.The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor.
7.Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
8.Submit your work with any required evidence attached.
9.See specifications below for details.
10.Time allowed for the assessment task is 3 hours.

Assessment task activities :

Using software technology to manage business document design and development, perform and complete the following activities in a word-processed document.

Activity 1:

Plan a short training session (for your assigned staff member) on the use of the letter template that you developed in Assessment Task 2: Develop explanatory notes for the template for use by staff as job aids and for use in the session delivery, on:
i.applying the style guide when using templates and macros
ii.considering aspects of context, purpose and audience when designing and formatting texts.
iii.naming the document and storage requirements.

BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment-The Institute Of Business & Management Australia..

Activity 2:

Develop a session plan for a 15–20-minute session, which includes planning for:
i.introducing and explaining the template and how it conforms with organisational requirements.
ii.demonstrating functions (those that need to be demonstrated considering the staff member’s current skills)
iii.allowing practice and questions and providing feedback on performance
iv.recording whether the staff member can use the template at the level of ‘practitioner’ (see level description in the legend of Appendix 1). Note: you will need to plan to monitor whether staff can demonstrate use, naming and storage in accordance with organisational requirements.

BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment-The Institute Of Business & Management Australia.

BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment-The Institute Of Business & Management Australia.

Activity 3:

Arrange with your assessor to demonstrate or role-play training.

Activity 4:

Deliver the training. Ensure you:
a.use communication skills to explain features. Ensure you ask questions to confirm trainees’ understanding. Ensure you listen to trainees’ questions and respond appropriately
b.draw attention to the importance of applying the style guide in using the templates
c.follow your session plan to introduce, demonstrate, allow the trainee opportunity to practise, provide feedback and then assess the trainee
d.record whether the staff member can use the template.

BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment-The Institute Of Business & Management Australia.

BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment-The Institute Of Business & Management Australia..

Activity 5:

Develop an evaluation report on the state of document design and production at Adept Owl.Your report should contain:

a.information on performance, current skills (outlined in Appendix 1) and observed assessment in the role-played training session; ensure you compare standards for document production, including performance targets, with actual skills and performance to identify gaps. least three recommendations for continuous improvement and closing performance and skills gaps based on your monitoring of actual performance (the training undertaken in Part A), performance and skills information provided in Appendix 1, and research undertaken; ensure you:

i.include technical needs to close gaps and improve operations with respect to template use
ii.include training needs with respect to technical functions
iii.include changes to policies, procedures or style guides to support implementation of recommendations.
iv.refer to the advice of experts or relevant sources of expert advice to support recommendations, for example a business communications expert you have access to or information from print or online business literature.
v.include a summary plan of all activities to implement recommended changes over the financial year, including description of activity, resources needed (including costs where relevant), person responsible and time frame. Use template in Appendix 2 or similar.

Activity 6:

Submit your explanatory notes, session plan and evaluation report to your assessor within an agreed time frame and in an agreed format. Ensure your submitted documents reflect specifications as outlined below. Keep copies of all submitted materials for your records.

BSBADM506 Manage Business Document Design & Development Assignment-The Institute Of Business & Management Australia.

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