Task Length: 1600 words +/- 10% [References not included in the word count]
References: Min. 15 academic sources
Assignment objectives
The objectives of this assessment task are for you:
1.To critically analyse the research task carried out as a group in AT2 (a) individually, in light of the ethical theories studied during the semester
2.To apply the knowledge about ethical theories, philosophies and concepts studied during the semester on your own ethics and their origin
3.To reflect on the ethical challenges and successes you faced as an individual, during the group task, and provide recommendations on how to mitigate the ethical issues using ethical theories
BMA735 Management Ethics Assignment-Australia.

Report narrative:
Reports are different from essays and are more structured. It is important to remember that reports differ according to the audience for whom they are written.
For this assessment task, you are to assume that the workplace/organisation you investigated, as a group, is where you are employed. Your role as an employee is that of a business researcher that has been tasked to provide a report about your specific topic, to the top management of your workplace/ organisation.
Assignment structure:
The expected format of this assignment is a recommendation report. See the below table for more guidance.
Title Page: This page should include:
• The report title
• Your name and student ID
Executive Summary(not included in the word count): A paragraph that provides a quick overview of the entire report, including its purpose, major findings and recommendations
Table of Contents
The table of contents lists the main headings used in the report and includes the page on which the headings appear. Any tables, diagrams or illustrations should be listed separately in a Table of Figures which comes after the Table of Contents.
The introduction should explain the purpose of the report, and the analysis/description that will be provided to the reader (it only needs to be brief; 2-3 sentences max). No discussion about theories here.
BMA735 Management Ethics Assignment-Australia.

The body of the report contains the substance of the report.
It should be separated into topic/discussion areas using numbered headings and subheadings for more clarity.
The body of the report will need to
- identify and critically analyse the ethical challenges and successes that arose during the research process as a group- provide your group’s dynamics
- use relevant ethics literature, ethics theories, philosophies and concepts studied during the semester; each theory used has to be explained the first time with academic citations.
- provide a reflection of your personal ethical foundation, and how it impacts your decisions.
You will need to answer the following questions:
- What were some of the challenges that you faced individually within the group during the process from research to presentation?
- Why did you feel the way you did?
- What were some of the successes during the investigation?
- Where do your ethics come from? [religion, philosophy, family, government, society], and how do they influence your decisions as an individual?
- Did you as an have an influence in group research and presentation?
- How does literature, ethics theory or philosophy supports your ethical foundation and why?
Conclusion and Recommendations:
The recommendations provided need to justify your course of action towards mitigating the ethical issues found within your workplace/ organisation using your own moral compass as an individual. Each recommendation will also use ethical theories, supported by academic literature.
Reference List:
Please reference all material cited in the report using the Australian Harvard Referencing Style (make sure to include references to any images used).
The appendices should contain any additional supporting information (e.g.pictures, graphs, tables) that are relevant, but are included at the end of the report, so as not to distract the reader from the ideas in the main section of
the report. The appendices should be clearly set out and numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text and provided in the table of contents.
- Assignment formatting
- Reports should be professionally presented using of fonts that are easy to read – Times New Roman, Palatino, Calibri, Arial or the like. (12 points in general)
- Double spacing
- Headings can be bold without any underlining
- Numbered pages
Assessment rubric
Please ensure that you review the assessment rubric prior to submitting your assignment.
The principles of academic integrity are highly valued at the University of Tasmania. You are expected to maintain academic integrity by correctly referencing other scholars’ work and not copying others work without attribution. If in any doubt, we recommend that you make yourselves aware of the following resources:
1.Academic Integrity for Students
2.Harvard referencing style
BMA735 Management Ethics Assignment-Australia.

The assignment drop box is set up with Turnitin functionality enabled, to identify similarities with other academic and other sources online
Instances of academic misconduct may be referred to the Head of the School of Management and Marketing.