Subject Code and Title : BIZ102 Understanding People and Organisations
Assessment: Reflective Journal 1: Emotional Intelligence
Individual/Group: Individual
Length: 600 words (+/- 10%)
Weighting : 15%
Learning Outcomes:
a) Explain the importance of self- awareness and emotional intelligence, and analyse its impact on professional competencies
b) Integrate strategies to effectively interact with others in a diverse professional context
c) Identify and reflect on own strengths and their application in the business context
d) Reflect on feedback to identify opportunities for self-improvement and professional development
BIZ102 Understanding People And Organisations Assessment – Torrens University Australia.

A key to self-directed learning is reflection. Reflection is the examination of situations in order to better understand the surrounding context and identify potential improvements for the future. This assessment aims to develop your awareness and reflective learning ability while also assessing your understanding of the topics covered in modules 1 and 2.
Reflective writing ordinarily occurs in the first person (and you can do so here) and works best when you think deeply about a topic and look at both the positives as well as opportunities to improve in a situation. Examples within the context of this assessment might be:
Explain the key concept(s) you are exploring in this assessment.
eg Define the meaning of emotional intelligence and why it is important to your personal and professional life. Include referencing to research/theory in modules, via in-text citations.
I found taking the Emotional Intelligence self-assessment challenging/interesting/useful/ a new experience because…
for example: Mayer and Salovey (1997) emphasise the importance of perceiving, accessing and generating emotions to develop emotional intelligence, which is not something I have thought about much previously…
What happened? Describe what you did or experienced. I agreed/disagreed with the first result because…
How do you feel about the situation you experienced? Explain why you feel this way. Refer to a relevant personal life or work experience. Include theory.
What actions will you take to improve your behaviour in your career that will likely lead to a better outcome in future. Include reference to research /theory/expert opinion to support your assertions. Do not rely on your opinion only.

What have you learned about yourself? Describe one revelation about yourself –positive or negative – that you value most from this experience?
1.Complete the Emotional Intelligence self-assessment prescribed in Module 2 of the subject: Global Leadership Foundation (n.d.) Emotional Intelligence Test. Retrieved
2.Compose your reflective journal entry addressing the three Guiding questions below.
3.Include a screenshot of your emotional intelligence test results from the test website in your paper.
4.Identify theoretical concepts reviewed in modules 1 and 2 that support your reflection. Include at least two academic references to sources in the module 1 and 2 learning resources for this subject that present the theoretical concepts identified, to support your ideas.
Follow the APA 7th edition style of referencing to cite your academic resources and provide your reference list.
Guiding questions:
1.To what extent do you agree with the results of the self-assessment?
2.What have you learned about yourself from the results of this self-assessment?
3.How might you use the insight from this self-assessment to improve your professional practice?
Submission Instructions:
Submit your Reflective Journal 1: Emotional intelligence via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in BIZ102 Understanding People and Organisations. The learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
BIZ102 Understanding People And Organisations Assessment – Torrens University Australia.

The Learning Rubric below is your guide to how your assessment task will be marked. Please be sure to check this rubric very carefully before submission.