Subject Code & Title : BFI203 Equity Analysis
Words Count : 3,000 words
Learning Outcomes :
At the end of the module you should be able to :
a. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key concepts of equity investment analysis
b. Apply relevant theories and concepts to equity investment analysis
BFI203 Equity Analysis Assessment – UCSI University Malaysia.

Deliverables :
This assignment represents 30% of the total marks (25% for the written work and 5% for the presentation) for this subject. This assignment should consists of 4 or 5 members in a group. A written essay of approximately 3,000 words that evaluates business issues from the topic in the next page. The assignment must adhere to standard academic documentation standards:
1. Please use appropriate citation (APA Style) and reference accordingly.
2. Font type should be Times New Roman.
3. Font size should be 12 pts.
4. Vertical/line spacing should be 1.5 line spacing.
5. You must use enough of your own words to convince that you understand what you are writing and are not just “cutting and pasting”. Normally your own words should be no less than 80% of the total word count.
6.You should not make reference such These websites can be useful to provide you with the definitions and the general ideas about the concepts within module but it is not acceptable to be inserted into your academic writing.
7. You may include diagrams, figures, tables etc without word penalty.
8.You are required to use at least 4 references with 50% of them are from relevant textbooks, magazines and academic journals.
9.A sliding scale of penalties for excess length will be imposed according to the amount by which the limit has been exceeded. Your word count must be indicated on your cover page.

BFI203 Equity Analysis Assessment – UCSI University Malaysia.
For limit excess(excluding executive summary and references):
11 – 20% 10% reduction in the mark
21 – 30% 25% reduction in the mark
31% + the work will be capped at a pass i.e. 50%
Question :
1. IHH Healthcare Berhad
Answer the following questions by providing relevant information related the companies that you have selected.
BFI203 Equity Analysis Assessment – UCSI University Malaysia.

a) In the application of behavioral finance, synthesis the current development of financial market environment and identify the opportunities that investors can undertake to enhance their equity investment return.