BESC1061: Developmental Psychology Assignment Help Australian College Of Applied Psychology

Unit description

This unit provides a comprehensive framework for the consideration of developmental
psychology across the lifespan. Through this unit you will acquire in-depth knowledge of
developmental psychology for understanding and appreciating your own development, as
well as that of the people you interact with in your counselling or work-related role. Emphasis throughout this unit is on applying the theory to practical situations you may
encounter in your work roles.

BESC1061 Developmental Psychology

Unit learning outcomes : BESC1061: Developmental Psychology Assignment

On completion of this unit, students will be able to:
a) discuss supports and challenges to health and wellbeing at various stages of the life span

b) discuss the psychological implications of physical and cognitive changes that occur
with maturation and ageing

c) identify and critically evaluate attachment and socio-emotional theories of
development and apply to case presentations

d) identify the major goals and assumptions underpinning the field of developmental

e) apply developmental theories to a range of situations and contexts

Studying for this unit

The content of this unit has been designed to maximise the learning and the integration
of the subject matter. Much of the unit material is specific to the Australian context.
Students are encouraged to access additional information relevant to their local context,
which will assist in applying the learning and ensuring its relevance. This may include
specific legislation, government and professional association resources, and journals. It is
important that students’ reading is broad.

In general students are expected to:

  • read each section of the unit carefully and make notes about new content, and
    points that are unclear, or in conflict with previous learning or experience
  • complete readings of the text and other readings and resources, making notes on important insights or facts, especially those relevant to assignments

There may be periodic suggestions or issues on which students are asked to deliberate
and reflect. Sometimes these are dilemmas or difficult issues associated with the study
topic which have no right or wrong answers, but are used to trigger critical thinking.

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Learning activities

Learning activities are set in each section of the unit to give opportunities for further
learning. They are designed to help students think through and practice the specific skills
and general concepts presented in this unit. They do not need to be sent to the academic
teacher for marking. However, valuable learning opportunities will be missed by not
completing the activities.

In studying this unit, students should maintain a learning journal for

  • completing the activities. To structure the learning journal, set aside space for: completing a glossary of new terminology and concepts introduced in this unit
  • notes on unit content and readings
  • answers to learning activities
  • draft assessments.

Students can also keep the learning journal electronically.

Assignments BESC1061: Developmental Psychology Assignment Help Australian College Of Applied Psychology

The assignments for this unit are carefully set so they develop from and support the key
concepts and skills of the unit, and are aligned with the learning outcomes for this unit.


Section 1: Exploring the Lifespan

Section 2: Physical Development and Psychoanalytic Theories of Development

Section 3: Behavioural Learning and Systems Theories of Development

Section 4: Cognitive Theories of Development

Section 5: Attachment and Socio emotional Theories of Development

Section 6: Family Systems’ Impact on Development

Section 7: Social Cognition and Moral Theories of Development

Section 8: The Self and Personality Theories of Development

Section 9: Gender-Role and Sexuality Theories of Development

Section 10: Theories of Intelligence and Creativity

Section 11: Theories of Ageing, Grief, Death and Dying

Section 12: Applications Over the Lifespan

Assignment 1: Reflective Essay

Assignment Type          Weighting                   Word Count
Reflective Essay              50%                              1500 words

The purpose of this Reflective Essay is to demonstrate the understanding of two
developmental theories in relation to significant developmental events in the adult life of
the student.

Write a reflective essay applying two developmental theories to significant aspects and
stages of your own adult lives. Analyse these selected developmental events through the
lenses of two developmental theories presented in this unit, supporting the analysis with
relevant references.

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