Instructions to Student: General Instructions:
Create a Retrieval Chart format which incorporates the following headings,
for the topics listed below.
Topics: 1.One Introduced Species (to Australia),2.One Australian Endangered Species a.Reasons for the problem/threat (3 or more).
b.Conservation/management strategies to overcome the problem/threat (3 or more).
c.Evaluation of the success of the strategies covered above
ATPENV001 Investigate Human Impact On Eco systems & Environment

Retrieval Chart (See outline attached pp4-5)
1.Only Australian case studies may be used.
2.Point form and abbreviations may be used in the Retrieval Chart.
3.Teacher feedback on drafts will be provided.
4.Class time for research will be allocated
5.Reference list in APA format must be included
6.In text references in APA format must be included
Information / Materials provided:Example of a retrieval chart. Feedback will be provided on drafts
Assessment Criteria:
To achieve a satisfactory result, your assessor will be looking for your ability to demonstrate the following key skills/tasks/knowledge to an acceptable industry standard:
- Recall significant facts and terms related to the field of environmental studies
- Produce diagrams and descriptions related to the field of environmental studies
- Explain environmental concepts such as cause and effect
- Outline processes and strategies
- Interpret data from a variety of primary and secondary sources
- Evaluate sources for validity, reliability and bias
- Develop an informed opinion supported by factual data and logical argument
- Utilise a range of primary and/or secondary sources
- Reference materials and resources according to a recognised referencing system.
- Apply appropriate written and/or oral presentation conventions effectively
To pass this assessment all of the Marking Criteria must be completed at a satisfactory level. After being deemed satisfactory, the student will be marked Pass, Credit or Honours in four performance Criteria on the Performance Criteria Rubric.
Number of Attempts:
You will receive up to two (2) attempts at this assessment task. Should your1 st attempt be unsatisfactory (U), your teacher will provide feedback and
discuss the relevant sections / questions with you and will arrange a due date for the submission of your 2 nd attempt. If your 2 nd submission is unsatisfactory (U), or you fail to submit a 2 nd attempt, you will receive an overall unsatisfactory result for this assessment task. Only one re-assessment attempt may be granted for each assessment task. For more information, refer to the Student Rules.
ATPENV001 Investigate Human Impact On Eco systems & The Environment Assignment-Tafe Queensland Australia.

Submission details
Include this template with your submission.
Due Date: Week 6
Information required to be submitted:
1.Assessment Submission sheet
2.Assessment task sheet. Insert your details on page 1 and sign the Student Declaration
3.Task title page
4.Two Retrieval Charts
5.Reference list in a recognised format.
Instructions for the Assessor
- Only Australian case studies may be used.
- Point form and abbreviations may be used in the Retrieval Chart.
- Teacher feedback on drafts will be provided.
- Class time for research will be allocated
- Reference list in APA format must be included.
- In text references in APA format must be included
- Assessment should be introduced in week 3
Note to Student An overview of all Assessment Tasks relevant to this unit is located in the Unit Study Guide.
ATPENV001 Investigate Human Impact On Eco systems & The Environment Assignment-Tafe Queensland Australia.
Example of Retrieval Chart – Endangered Species – Northern Hairy Nosed Wombat

Example of Retrieval Chart – Introduced Species (Name of Species)

Assessment criteria / benchmarks
The evidence submitted demonstrates that the student satisfactorily:
1.Recalled significant facts and terms related to the field of environmental studies
2.Produced descriptions related to the field of environmental studies
3.Explained environmental concepts such as cause and effect
4.Outline processes and strategies
5.Interpreted data from a variety of primary and secondary sources
6.Evaluated sources for validity, reliability and bias
7.Developed an informed opinion supported by factual data and logical argument
8.Utilised a range of primary and/or secondary sources
9.Referenced materials and resources according to APA system
10.Applied appropriate written presentation conventions effectively
ATPENV001 Investigate Human Impact On Eco systems & Environment Assignment-Tafe Queensland Australia.