Module Code and Title : (ASB-1105) Principles of Business Management
Assessment : Individual Assignment
Duration / Word Length : 2000 words (+/- 10%)
Weighting within Module: 50%
ASB-1105 Principles Of Business Management Assignment-Prifysgol Bangor University Singapore.

Individual Assignment:
Over the years the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has gained unprecedented momentum in business and in public debate and has become a strategic issue crossing departmental boundaries, affecting the way in which companies conduct their business. It has become so important that many organisations have re branded their core values in light of this.
What are the dangers and the benefits of corporate social responsibility, for employees,management, organisations, society and the environment?
You should draw on the relevant literature and provide examples to illustrate your points.
Please ensure that your work is referenced according to the Harvard referencing style.
The word count for the assignment is 2000 words + or – 10% (this does not include references and appendices).
Unfair Practice is the most serious academic offence. It is the equivalent of stealing someone’s work and fraudulently pretending that it is your own in order to gain higher marks than you deserve. Copying,word for word, large chunks of writing from any source (e.g. paper, book, the internet) without
acknowledgement of the author or owner, is unfair practice. With modern technology this has become increasingly easy to do and anyone who suspects that it is happening should seek advice immediately.
This also applies to a situation where you have lent someone your work to help them and they have substantially reproduced it without acknowledgement.
ASB-1105 Principles Of Business Management Assignment-Prifysgol Bangor University Singapore.

All students should be aware that the Bangor Business School imposes penalties on any student who is guilty of engaging in unfair practice in any assessment.
Assessment Criteria
D+ > D- (Third Class)
A student should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key aspects of CSR and its implications for business and its stakeholders. Evidence of examples to support arguments.
B+ > C- (Second Class)
A student should demonstrate a wide knowledge and understanding of CSR and its implications for business and its stakeholders. A capacity to relate and analyse relevant business examples from the perspective of dangers and benefits of stakeholders. A well structured answer, including the
coherent development of arguments and the use of an introduction and conclusion.
ASB-1105 Principles Of Business Management Assignment-Prifysgol Bangor University Singapore.

A* > A (First Class)
A student should demonstrate a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge and understanding of CSR and its implications for business and its stakeholders. The students work show evidence of a coherent development of arguments, and, a thorough analysis by drawing on relevant theories and concepts in the literature and applying them directly to business examples. The student will be able to show the ability to determine what is relevant and the omission of superfluous information and recognise any recent developments within this area of CSR.