Subject Code & Title: APH102 Assessing physical health status
Unit(s) of Competency : HLTAAP002 Confirm physical health
HLTENN003 Preform clinical assessment and contribute to planning nursing care
Title of Assessment Assessment 1: Case Study
Type of Assessment: Short Response
Length: As indicated in each question
APH102 Assessing Physical Health Status Assessment 1 – Think Education Australia.

Performance criteria,Knowledge evidence and Performance assessed:
HLTAAP002: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
HLTENN003: 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 1,7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2,
HLTAAP002: 1
HLTENN003: 1.
HLTAAP002: 1, 2a, 2c, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e, 3f, 3g, 3h, 3i, 3j, 3k, 3l, 3m, 4a, 4b, 5, 6, 7 f, 7 g, 8, 11 a, 11 b
HLTENN003: 1, 8, 9, 14, 18, 20
Assessment 1: Short answer questions
For this assessment, you must watch the case study video, review the scenario provided and respond to the questions below. Some of the information you need will be in the video and some will be in this overview,
while the majority of the knowledge you will need to answer these questions, will come from what you have learnt in modules 1 – 3 of this subject.
Scenario – Mr George Mc Farlane:
I: Mr George Mc Farlane is a 53 year old Male.
S: George has presented to hospital today as his BGL is higher than normal at 15 mmol/L. He has a headache,feels lethargic, is passing an increased volume of urine and has increased thirst. He is also short of breath when walking and exercising. On admission, a set of vital signs and a urinalysis has been taken.
B: George’s past Medical History (PMHx) include:
Type ll Diabetes needing close management. Records BGL daily
Osteoarthritis in L) Knee
Allergy to Penicillin
Social History (SHx):
Married for 5 years to Yu Yan, who is of Chinese heritage, she speaks English well
Has a 26 year old son from a previous marriage, who has depression and uses illicit drugs. He visits occasionally.
Lives with his wife and 3 year old twins, from his current marriage. One twin has a developmental disorder. His 17 year old step son also lives with the family.
Occupation: Long Haul truck driver, often isolated from family and friends as on the road and away from home due to work. Speaks to wife daily when away.
ETOH (Alcohol) usage on a regular basis
Smoker, averages 15 cigarettes per day
Often consumes take away/ fast food diet as away from home regularly
Sedentary lifestyle, often watches TV to cope with stress. Little to no exercise
A: George is 118kg and 180cm in height. Current vital signs Resp 26, O 2 Sats 97% on room air (RA), BP 170/90, HR 110, Temp 37.
R: Admit George to the Med/Surgical ward at 1000 hrs. For review by the doctor. Provide regular analgesia
Question 1:
Referring to the information provided in George’s case study and the video you have watched, complete the nursing admission form, on the template provided below, using appropriate medical terminology. Ensure the documentation meets legal requirements.
Question 2:
The admission nurse has taken George’s blood pressure and it is 170/90 mm Hg. In 50 words, list the parameters for normal blood pressure and the range for hypertension. Include in your answer whether George’s blood pressure is within normal limits. Reference required.
Question 3:
As an Enrolled Nurse (EN), explain in 20 words, who you should report your assessment findings to and why, if a client’s measurements are displaying unusual levels, or if you are concerned about the results you have received.
Hint: refer to the Nurses and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) standards for practice for EN.
Question 4:
In 50 – 75 words, identify your scope of practice as an EN in the above situation. List your roles and responsibilities compared to that of a Registered Nurse (RN).
Hint: refer to the Nurses and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) standards for practice
Question 5:
George’s other observations are noted below. In 30 words, indicate the normal ranges for temperature, pulse and respirations and state whether George’s observations are within normal range.
Current observations:
Respirations at 26 breaths per minute.
Temperature 37C
HR 110 beats per minute (bpm).
SpO2 97% on room air.
Question 6:
George has provided a urine sample. The urine sample is clear. When attending a urinalysis, you note the specific gravity (SG) is 1005 and the ph. is 6, ketones + and glucose ++. State the normal parameters for these
readings and identify the abnormal results. Specify what condition George’s abnormal results may relate to. (Hint: consider George’s medical history)
Question 7:
George has a significant medical and social history. Name three (3) factors (actual or potential) that could have contributed to his current medical issues.
Question 8:
Other than an EN/ RN, name three (3) health care professionals found in a hospital setting that you might be able to refer George to for assistance with his health variations. For each professional, in 20 words, state how they could contribute to George’s wellness.
Question 9:
Below are the health conditions George has. For each condition, name the body system, which relates to it and specify what that system is responsible for doing.
High blood pressure
Type 2 diabetes
Shortness of breath on exertion
Osteoarthritis left knee
APH102 Assessing Physical Health Status Assessment 1 – Think Education Australia.

Question 10:
In 100 words, discuss the patho physiology of Type 2 Diabetes in relation to the body system involved. In your response, specify the body system affected and what has happened to the cells to cause this condition.
Reference required
Question 11:
George is currently prescribed the following medications;
Metformin 500mg, 1 (one) tablet daily
Panadol Osteo 665mg, 2 tablets 3 times per day as required (for the osteoarthritis in his left knee)
Refer to your readings in module 3.2, and in your own words describe;
a) The first pass effect and bio availability
b) The 4 processes involved in pharma cokinetics
c) Two (2) conditions/ disorders that will affect the process of metabolism and excretion of medications
Question 12:
George’s wife Yu Yan is originally from China. If George were to become unresponsive you would need to communicate and respectfully interact with her. In 75 words, explain your understanding of the NMBA’s code of conduct in relation to culturally safe and respectful behaviour.
Question 13:
George is due for discharge. The medical officer has increased his Metformin to 850 mg BD and has advised George to follow up with his GP in one week. The diabetic educator and dietician will continue to review George monthly on discharge. You have notified Yu Yan who will collect George before 10 am. Both George and Yu Yan are aware of follow up appointments and have no concerns relating to the ongoing treatment for George. George requires a medical certificate for 2 weeks and you have removed his IV cannula. Complete the discharge summary on the template provided below, to include the information provided to George and his wife, using appropriate medical terminology. Ensure the documentation meets legal requirements.
Question 14:
Below is a table listing a range of common diseases, disorders and their symptoms. Using the list of body systems below, specify,
1.In the first (1 st ) column, identify which body system is affected by the associated disease or disorders. (Each system is used once)
2.In the second (2 nd ) column, note the function of the specified body system
3.In the third (3 rd ) column list one (1) other body system that interacts in close collaboration with the body system identified in column 1.

For example; digestive systems works in close collaboration with the endocrine system
Nervous system
Cells, tissues and organs
Endocrine system
Musculoskeletal system
Reproductive system
Immune system
Digestive system
Lymphatic system
Respiratory system
Integumentary system
Urinary system
Special senses
Cardiovascular system
Question 15:
Within the body there are different levels of structural organisation and complexity. Complete the following paragraph about the structural organisation of the body by inserting the words from the bank below into the correct places (the words may be used more than once).
APH102 Assessing Physical Health Status Assessment 1 – Think Education Australia.
The smallest independent unit of living matter are __, which combine to form ,and these combine to form that make up the body . There are four (4) specialised types of tissues, these include , ___, and . There are three (3) types of muscle tissue, which are _ muscle tissue, muscle tissue and _ muscle tissue. Together, _ and _ make up the within the body. These
___ provide the survival needs of the body.
Question 16:
Match the anatomical terms to the position that they describe.