Assignment 3: Performance management in context
Length: 2000 ± 10% words (excluding cover page, table of contents, executive summary and reference list)
Assessment weighting: 40%
Assessment: Individual
Assessment type: Critical Literature review
Related ULOs: 1,2,3
HRM20020 Performance Management And Innovation Assignment-Australia.
Assessment Task
Using your critical review and analyses of literature on performance management,attempt to answer the following question:
Picking up ONE of the following competitive business strategies, please examine how the performance management system would be designed so that it aligns well with the business strategy of any company that you decide to choose:
- Innovative
- Quality focused
- Cost focused
Critical literature review is referred to writing a task based on summarising and evaluating relevant literature. To be critical does not necessarily mean to offer negative criticism. Rather, it means you should question the information and opinions presented in the literature and come up with your own interpretation, judgement or evaluation based on the literature. This means this exercise allows higher order thinking instead of just summarising activity.
In developing the assignment please recall we carried out a discussion around the strategic HR theories i.e. best fit, best practices and resource based view of the firm.For this assignment, best fit approach might be particularly relevant as we will be discussing how performance management strategy should be tailored to meet the chosen company’s objectives and competitive strategy. Also, try to recall and build on the example that was shared with you on how for example T & D practice would be in house for a cost efficient firm (McDonald’s hamburger university) but it might be better to outsource T&D for an innovative company. Another example would be a cost effective company following arrow pay grades, and tend to rely less on intrinsic and fringe benefits whereas an innovative company uses a combination of extrinsic and intrinsic and monetary and non-monetary incentives.
Using literature, come up with arguments on what performance management strategies would be best fit for companies in line with their business strategies. Discussion must be carried out around at least two of the various performance management related issues such as design of performance appraisals, reward structure, training and development, and feedback.
To complete this assignment to a high standard you need to research the peer-reviewed literature extensively (at least 6-8 papers) in addition to review topics covered in class. Please note that it is imperative that you substantiate your claims,which necessitates the extensive use of peer-reviewed literature to support your argument. You will need to read more broadly than the Readings suggested in the Unit Guide if you wish to get the most out of this assignment. Your argument and conclusions need to emphasise the critical elements of performance management systems in various business environments.
You may like to visit (but not limited to) the literature below in developing this assignment:
- Chapter 1 and 2 from the text book
- Boxall, P., & Purcell, J. (2000). Strategic human resource management: where have we come from and where should we be going?. International journal of management reviews, 2(2), 183-203.
Additional instructions
The assignment would follow the following format
- An executive summary that succinctly presents the main argument, conclusions and recommendations
- An index or table of contents complete with page numbering
- An introduction that covers the issues relevant to the question that you will be considering in the report and the scope of your inquiry.
- The report body including identification and rigorous analysis of the issues you have identified
- A conclusion that reflects your overall assessment of the issue, the various approaches to the issue and any recommendations for change if appropriate.
- A reference list.
HRM20020 Performance Management And Innovation Assignment-Australia.
Submission requirements
- Assignments must be submitted via Canvas unit site through the ‘Assignments’ facility.
- Do not email the assessment to either the convenor or instructor.
- Keep a back-up of your submission. If your assignment goes astray, whether your fault or ours, you will be required to reproduce it.
- The assignment should be in one Microsoft Word compatible document and should be written in 12-point font size (e.g., Times New Roman, Gara mond) and should use double spacing between each line.
- Pages of the assignment should have footers which include your name, student ID, unit code, assignment title and page numbers.
- It is expected that all work submitted has been edited for spelling, grammar and clarity.
- The standard procedure is that assignments will be marked up to the specified word count only.
- The word count does not include the table of contents, title page, reference list or appendices.
- Any appendices are only to contain supplementary/supporting material. They are not to contain material that is essential to achieving the assignment criteria.
Marking criteria
A rubric, provided at the end of this document, will be used to assess your work.
You must use the Swinburne Harvard referencing style throughout your assignment and include a reference list, not a biography, at the end of the assessment.
Extensions and late submission
Please read the section on extensions and late submission in the Unit = Outline.
Please read the section on plagiarism in the Unit Outline.
Assignment help If you have any queries or concerns, you may discuss them with the conven or and/or instructor in the Canvas discussion board in the appropriate discussion forum or by email.
Declaration and Statement of Authorship
All students must agree to the following declaration when submitting assessment items
1.I/we have not impersonated, or allowed myself/ourselves to be impersonated by any person for the purposes of this assessment.
2.This assessment is my/our original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made.
3.No part of this assessment has been written for me/us by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the lecturer/teacher concerned.
4.I/we have not previously submitted this work for a previous attempt of the unit,another unit or other studies at another institution.
5.I/we give permission for my/our assessment response to be reproduced,communicated, compared and archived for plagiarism detection, bench marking or educational purposes.
I/we understand that:
1.Plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. It is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence that may lead to exclusion from the University.
2.Plagiarised material may be drawn from published and unpublished written documents, interpretations, computer software, designs, music, sounds, images,vvbvb photographs, and ideas or ideological frameworks gained through working with another person or in a group.
3.Plagiarised material can be drawn from, and presented in, written, graphic and visual form, including electronic data and oral presentations. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited.
HRM20020 Performance Management And Innovation Assignment-Australia.
I/we agree and acknowledge that:
1.I/we have read and understood the Declaration and Statement of Authorship above.
2.I/we accept that use of my Swinburne account to electronically submit this assessment constitutes my agreement to the Declaration and Statement of Authorship.
3.If I/we do not agree to the Declaration and Statement of Authorship in this context, the assessment outcome may not be valid for assessment purposes and may not be included in my/our aggregate score for this unit.