NUR5844 Health Promotion Plan Assignment-Flinders University Australia.

Assessment 2: Health Promotion Plan Word Limit:
The following learning outcomes will be assessed:
4.Analyse various methods of population-based approaches to data collection;
5.Utilise national and international collaborative health practice models in
designing population-based approaches to primary health care;
6.Apply primary health care frameworks and health promotion principles such as equity, community engagement and partnerships to undertake a health needs assessment
NUR5844 Health Promotion Plan Assignment-Flinders University Australia.

NUR5844 Health Promotion Plan Assignment-Flinders University Australia.
  • Details of task:
  • Develop your work in Assessment 2 based on your needs assessment and chosen vulnerable population in Assessment 1. In order to develop your health promotion plan, please refer to the following two website and documents for some excellent instruction on planning and evaluating health promotion projects:
  • Flinders University: The Planning and Evaluation Wizard (PEW)
  • W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide and
  • W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook

This is an academic piece of work and academic standards are expected. This includes writing an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Health Promotion Plan
Building on the work you have done in assignment 1, and using the evidence-base, critically analyse how to develop a health promotion plan.
In your discussion ensure you include the importance of planning, implementing and evaluating for a sustainable health promotion program.
Please base this assignment on the vulnerable population group you chose for your needs assessment in assignment 1.

Points to help you with this assignment:
Planning health promotion
Critically analyse why these considerations are important for health promotion planning.
o The need for staff, stakeholders, and participants who all know what the
program seeks to accomplish and how it will go about trying to accomplish it.
o Decisions on the program’s goals and objectives.
 State your SMART goal and objectives
o The use of evidence-based interventions drawn from health theory
o A consideration for cultural sensitivity and appropriateness of the interventions to ensure the program eliminates health disparities among the priority population.

NUR5844 Health Promotion Plan Assignment-Flinders University Australia.

NUR5844 Health Promotion Plan Assignment-Flinders University Australia.

o Is an iterative process that can take time, good management and planning.
What do health promoters need to plan for?
o This is when a logic model is useful. Why is a logic model useful? (you are
required to include your logic model as an appendix for this assignment – see note below).

o Provide detail on the process, impact and outcome evaluation framework
and how to develop an evaluation plan and why this is important

o What are the key factors to ensure sustainability?
o Why is important to plan for sustainable action?

Referencing and Citing:
This is a postgraduate unit of study and all students are expected to support all academic work with a broad range of literature and show evidence of wide reading. References provided are current (maximum 7 years),
peer-reviewed, best practice and comply with APA 6th edition referencing guideline.

NUR5844 Health Promotion Plan Assignment-Flinders University Australia.

NUR5844 Health Promotion Plan Assignment-Flinders University Australia.

Assignment presentation guidelines:

  • Your name, student ID and unit code e.g.: Smith, 12345678, NUR5844, should be in the header; with page numbering in the footer e.g.; page 1 of 10.
  • Attach an assignment title page. Include your name, student ID and word count
  • Upload your essay as a word document to Moodle. No other file types will be accepted
  • This is an academic piece of work and academic standards are expected.
    This includes writing an introduction, body, and conclusion.

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