FBL3501 Business Practicum Assignment- Edith Cowan University Australia.

The purpose of this assignment is to build a collection of evidence, to document your capabilities, workplace experiences and reflective evaluation, to guide you in future employment. The aim is to help you to gain insight into your own capabilities, where your strengths and weaknesses lie and how to improve going forward to help realise your career goals.
FBL3501 Business Practicum Assignment- Edith Cowan University Australia.

FBL3501 Business Practicum Assignment- Edith Cowan University Australia.

There are five (5) parts to this assignment:

  • Part A: Performance review;
  • Part B: Capabilities assessment and development plan;
  • Part C: Review of professional conduct and ethical behaviour;
  • Part D: Supervisor evaluation;
  • Part E: Timesheet evidencing completion of your 100 hours.

Details for this assessment task are as follows:
Format Portfolio:

  • Create your own Portfolio using Word (or similar) digital document.
  • Please start each part on a new page.
  • You may wish to convert the final Word document into a PDF.
  • Formal business English language should be used throughout.

Part A: Performance Review

  • Report using formal business English language.
  • Word (or similar) digital document.
  • 500 – 800 words.

Part B: Capabilities assessment and development plan

  • Complete the Post-WIL capabilities assessment online
  • Download and complete the Capabilities Review and Plan template.

Part C: Professional Conduct and Ethical Behaviour Review

  • Reflective writing using formal business English language.
  • Word (or similar) digital document.
  • Between 700 – 800 words.

Part D: Supervisor evaluation

  • Provide the Supervisor Evaluation form link to your Supervisor
  • Supervisor completes the Evaluation form with the inclusion of their email address
  • A copy of the Supervisor Evaluation form will be emailed back to student.

Part E: Timesheet

  • Include Completed and Signed Timesheet.

Learning Outcomes
This assessment will help you achieve the following Unit Learning Outcomes:

  • Apply discipline knowledge in a professional setting to enhance work- readiness.
  • Appraise personal capabilities using feedback and reflection to support performance in a work setting.
  • Apply knowledge of appropriate professional conduct and ethical behaviour to support professional success.
  • Produce a professional portfolio that exhibits achievements and identifies opportunities for future development.
FBL3501 Business Practicum Assignment- Edith Cowan University Australia.

FBL3501 Business Practicum Assignment- Edith Cowan University Australia.


Part A: Performance review
In this task you are required to evaluate and provide evidence of your performance during your work placement.This is critical not only for your learning but also for improving your workplace performance in the future.
In 500 – 800 words and in formal business English language, you need to evaluate how you performed against the outcomes and strategies you outlined in your Placement Plan (Assignment 1).

Use the following questions to guide you with completing this task:

  • To what extent did you achieve your intended outcomes outlined in your Placement Plan? Please include an explanation of why you did not achieve your targeted outcomes, if that was the case. You need to embed a maximum of 8 screenshots of evidence to demonstrate achievement of your targeted outcomes. Evidence of outcomes achieved must be embedded in this section of the portfolio and not as an appendix.
  • How successful were your adopted strategies and what could you have done differently to achieve better outcomes?

Please note: You must paste in the learning outcomes from Assignment 1 so that the assessor is aware of the original learning outcomes and any changes that have been made (this part is not included in the word count).

Part B: Capabilities assessment and plan
In this task you will undertake a self-assessment, rating yourself against a list of capabilities, to help you define areas for improvement and to enhance your career planning. Your self-assessment should take into account the feedback you have received from your workplace supervisor(s) on your strengths, weaknesses and performance to date. You will then review your strengths and weaknesses, outlining how you plan to improve over the next 12 months.

Part B Action 1
Complete the post-WIL Capabilities Assessment online. You will find the link to this online assessment under the Assignment tab on Blackboard, (Blackboard>Assignments> Post-WIL Capabilities Assessment) with instructions to download the completed assessment and save it as a PDF.

Part B Action 2
Complete the Capabilities Achievements and Development Plan. You will find this document available for download on Blackboard>Assignments>Assessment 2 Portfolio>Assessment 2 Instructions and marking criteria> Capabilities Achievements and Development Plan. Page one of the document requires you to list specific capability achievements and provide evidence for at least three capabilities. Page two of the document requires you to list capabilities where you believe you need further capacity building and develop a plan for how you will develop these capabilities. Both are required elements for completion of Part B of the Portfolio assignment.

Part C: Professional conduct and ethical behaviour review
Having a sound understanding of corporate social responsibility and the ethical dimensions to business decision- making are an important part of your commercial awareness.

FBL3501 Business Practicum Assignment- Edith Cowan University Australia.

FBL3501 Business Practicum Assignment- Edith Cowan University Australia.

In this task you will be investigating professional conduct and ethical behaviour in either the profession or industry within which you are based for the duration of your placement / internship. For example, you may be an Accounting student based in the hospitality industry. You may wish to base your review of ethical behaviour and professional practice on either the role of the Accountant or on the macro-environment of the hospitality industry.

You will need to write a personal reflection (700 to 800 words), evaluating your thoughts about professional practice and ethical behaviour and how they may impact upon your future behaviour in the workplace.

1.To begin, provide a definition for corporate social responsibility (Note: You must draw on authoritative sources using in-text reference in APA format) and a brief explanation of what this means in your own words. Please then provide a current business example to support your example (this can be any example). Please complete this in 100 words or less.

2.Next, provide a definition for Ethics in Business (Note: You must draw on authoritative sources using in-text reference in APA format) and a brief explanation of what this means in your own words. Please then provide a current business example to support your example (this can be any example). Please complete this in 100 words or less.

3.Next, locate the professional code of conduct which relates to your chosen profession or industry. There may be an established code of conduct (often developed by accrediting bodies or professional associations) or industry standards relating to the industry within which you are operating. You may also wish to access your host’s own code of conduct which defines how to behave appropriately in the workplace and can span many different areas, such as language, etiquette, respect for others and confidentiality. (You do NOT need to include any code of conduct document in the assignment).

FBL3501 Business Practicum Assignment- Edith Cowan University Australia.

FBL3501 Business Practicum Assignment- Edith Cowan University Australia.

4.Next, undertake a search of recent media coverage / activity of issues arising in your chosen profession and/or industry which relate to examples of poor professional practice and ethical behaviour. Do sufficient research that gives you a clear idea of what situations have occurred and the ethical dimensions relating to these scenarios/issues.

5.Select one of your researched issues which received media coverage on the profession or industry which relates to your placement/internship. Write a personal reflection (maximum 500 words) as follows:

  • Write a short description, in your own words, of the situation that raised concerns and received media coverage regarding professional practice and ethical behaviour.
  • Explain the ethical dimensions relating to this situation.
  • Consider (and, if appropriate, describe) whether you encountered any situations related to this one in your own internship / placement experience.
  • Explain how the code of conduct relevant to your industry/profession and/or host organisation was breached in the described situation.
  • How did the described situation (either the one that was covered by the media or the one you experienced during your work placement / internship) make you feel? How, if at all, does/did it conflict with your personal values?
  • How will your observations influence your behaviour in future work roles?

Use the DIEP model to guide your reflective writing, being careful not to spend too long describing and recounting your chosen situation or experience. The focus is on interpreting the situation, evaluating your feelings, and considering how this might affect you going forward. The expectation is that there will be evidence of a shift in mindset / behaviour from these learning activities and the Evaluation and Planning aspects of the DIEP model will be prominent in your reflective submission. Resources on writing reflections can be found in Blackboard > Study Zone > Practicum Resources > Reflective Writing.

Part D: Supervisor Evaluation

You need to arrange for your Workplace Supervisor to complete the Workplace Supervisor’s Evaluation online. You will find a copy of the evaluation form and the link to send to your Supervisor via Blackboard > Assessment > Assignments > Supervisor Evaluation.

Download a copy of the evaluation form and share a copy with your Workplace Supervisor, attaching a copy of your Placement Plan (from assignment 1), which summarises your learning outcomes, strategies, performance indicators and evidence of mastery, to the Workplace Supervisor Evaluation document. Your supervisor will need the learning outcomes document to be able to complete your evaluation.

Please discuss a completion date with your Workplace Supervisor, allowing enough time for them to complete your evaluation and return a copy to you prior to the due date for this Portfolio assignment (refer to the Unit Plan document for the Portfolio submission date).

It is your responsibility to provide your workplace supervisor with the link to the online evaluation form and to ensure that they complete the evaluation online (do not ask the supervisor to fill in the hard copy), allowing sufficient time for compiling the remainder of your portfolio. They need to email a copy of the evaluation directly to you, which you must include in this portfolio submission.

Part E: Timesheet
Please ensure that you have completed the timesheet, documenting the 100 hours in the work placement, and that the form has been signed each week by yourself and your supervisor.
The timesheet template can be found on Blackboard > Assessments > Assignments > Assessment 2: Portfolio folder.

FBL3501 Business Practicum Assignment- Edith Cowan University Australia.

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