NUR231 Supplementary Assessment – Sunshine Coast University Australia.

In this task, you will provide responses to the Case Study. Ensure that you specifically apply and integrate your answers with the information from the case study; avoid simply describing a disease or a drug.
Naomi is an 82-year-old female who suffered a myocardial infarction approximately 15 years ago, and she now has heart failure. Her blood pressure today is measured at 135/85. She has chronic kidney disease, with a GFR of 50 ml/minute, and she has micro albuminuria. Naomi’s brother died 3 months ago due to lung cancer, and Naomi has recently been diagnosed with depression. She presents today with severe acute pain due to a urinary tract infection.
NUR231 Supplementary Assessment – Sunshine Coast University Australia.

NUR231 Supplementary Assessment - Sunshine Coast University Australia.

Her current medications that she self-administers orally include:
1. aspirin
2. atorvastatin
3. irbesartan
4. frusemide

1.From your knowledge of pathophysiology, explain the links between Naomi’s heart failure and chronic kidney disease. Ensure that you use the information on Naomi’s case to interpret the extent of her renal function.

NUR231 Supplementary Assessment – Sunshine Coast University Australia.

2.Compare the roles of aspirin and atorvastatin, and the potential benefits of each of these in Naomi’s case.

3.Consider Naomi’s renal function – how might this impact on the metabolism of her fluoxetine? Ensure that you include an appropriate consideration of metabolism of this drug in your answer.

4.Naomi comments that she has been nauseous since recently staring the fluoxetine. Discuss ONE main response which could be undertaken in response to this, ensuring that this is appropriate in Naomi’s case.

5.You are asked to administer morphine for Naomi’s urinary tract infection. Discuss ONE main adverse reaction that may occur as a result of Naomi’s morphine administration, and how would this be managed in her case.

NUR231 Supplementary Assessment – Sunshine Coast University Australia.

NUR231 Supplementary Assessment - Sunshine Coast University Australia.


  • 2000 words (+/- 10%). Word count includes in-text citations and excludes reference list.
  • Please start a new WORD document, and then type your answers to each question within this document. Answer each question as Q1 … (answer); on a new line start Q2 …(answer), and so on. Do not copy the actual questions into your document. Include your reference list at the end on the final page/s of this document (do not attempt to submit references as a separate document, as Safe Assign will only accept one document).
  • 1.5 line spacing and Times New Roman 12 point font.
  • Individual assessment item (NO group submission).


  • At least 10 reputable, academic resources should be cited in your Case study, and must only be from textbooks, journal articles, and reputable academic websites. Multiple sections cited within one resource will be counted as one resource.
  • Use the USC Harvard Referencing Style Guide to assist you with the correct referencing technique.

Academic integrity:

  • You may work collaboratively with other students to understand concepts, but your answers must be your individual research, interpretation and application of the materials. Assignments that show evidence of copying from other student’s work will be investigated as collusion.
  • You are required to read information from academic sources, but it is important to use this information to develop your own phrasing and sentences, and then cite the academic source. Assignments that show evidence of deliberate copying from sources will be investigated as plagiarism.
  • Collusion and plagiarism are considered to be academic misconduct and academic penalties apply. For more information see the USC policy at:

Submitting your completed Supplementary Assessment:

  • Submit your Supplementary Assessment answer document via Blackboard using Safe Assign.
  • “Draft Safe Assign” is only for you to check a draft assignment, and is not used by staff when we are marking.
  • To submit your final document and make it available to assessors for marking, you need to submit it in to “Supplementary Assessment Submission” within the Assessment tab.


NUR231 Supplementary Assessment – Sunshine Coast University Australia.

NUR231 Supplementary Assessment - Sunshine Coast University Australia.
Resources that will be useful when preparing your Case study include:
  • Lecture and tutorial materials from NUR231
  • CMI (Consumer Medicine Information) for relevant medications
  • Reputable Australian medication information
  • USC Harvard referencing guide (found in the Task 3 tab)

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