Assessment Details
Details of Each Assessment Item :-
The assessments for this subject are described below. The description includes the type of assessment, its purpose, weighting, due date and submission requirements, the topic of the assessment, details of the task and detailed marking criteria, including a marking rubric for essays, reports and presentations. Supplementary assessment information and assistance can be found in Moodle.
Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assignment – King’s Own Institute Australia.
KOI expects students to submit their own original work in both assignments and exams, or the original work of their group in the case of group assignments.
Note : It is important for students to develop the key academic and professional skills taught in this subject to enable them to maximise future potential in both their academic and professional careers. Accordingly, students falling below 50% in any assessment will be referred to English Development Classes (EDC) and must show evidence of attendance before submitting their next assessment. All students are encouraged to attend EDC classes to improve and reinforce their academic and professional communication skills.
Assessment 1
Assessment Type : Individual assessment 800 words (+/- 10%);
Purpose: In business, successful communicators must transfer and respond to messages and requests using written communication to suit their audience, otherwise messages can be misinterpreted or misunderstood. Learning how to identify your audience and their expectations and needs is a large part of good leadership and effective management in every business. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b and c.
Topic : Academic Response
This assessment is made up of 3 tasks – Task 1 & 2 are about you as a student and Task 3 is about Professional Communications
Task details: Each task is designed for you to demonstrate your ability to apply your knowledge and understanding of key concepts relating to written communication covered in weeks 1 to 4 of this subject. This assessment will provide you with an insight into professional communication and resources for you to use to reach your academic potential.
Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assignment – King’s Own Institute Australia.
For all tasks :
o Please comply with all academic standards of legibility and referencing and adhere to the correct use of academic writing, presentation and grammar
o Additional support on academic skills can be found at the KOI Learning Support Centre The LSC will offer online one-to-one English support
o Revision or reminding of the rules of Harvard online style is available from the resources on referencing at the right-hand side of the course, especially the Quick Guide
Each task is made up of four parts:
Step 1 -Research Step 2 – Plan Step 3 – Write Step 4 – Reference
Read all instructions thoroughly before you begin this assessment.
Task 1 Academic Integrity :-
Scenario – You are a student mentor and as part of your role, have been asked to provide information and advice to guide and support your fellow students beginning at KOI. Begin by undertaking research into the topic of integrity at KOI – this is so you provide accurate information and advice to your fellow students.
Use these topics to guide your research, then plan and write your short-written response. These areas are important to explain writing with integrity and why it matters.
o Why is academic integrity important?
o What penalties can apply to breaches of academic integrity?
o How does working with integrity improve your professional and personal success?
You can also refer to the Student Handbook and KOI Policy and Procedures as these documents will provide valuable information to share with your audience.
Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assignment – King’s Own Institute Australia.
Task 2 Achieving Academic Success
Reaching your potential in your academic study is enhanced by understanding your learning style, and learning how to manage your time. It is also important to develop skills in critical thinking and apply critical evaluation to your research, academic and business writing. Use these topics to guide your research. This short-written response can be written as a Reflective Journal meaning you can use first person (‘I’ and ‘me’).
o What is your Learning style based on Peterson & Kolb’s (2017) Learning Style?
o Why is time management important when you are a student?
o What is critical thinking and how will you apply it to further your knowledge and develop your skills as a student?
Task 3 Models of Business Communication
Communication is identified as one of the top 3 skills needed for employment in the 21st century.
Professional communication involves reading, writing, speaking and listening. It is both internal with your work colleagues and external to customers and clients through such channels as marketing and everyday interactions.
You have been introduced to a number of Professional Communication models.
o Write about 2 models of Professional Communications and why they are important.
o What are some of the barriers to Professional Communications being successful?
Reference list for Assessment 1 Tasks:
o You need a minimum of three (3) academic references and in-text citations in your reference
o list over all 3 tasks.
o must be textbooks (eBooks) or academic journals (Ejournals).
o 1 to be an appropriate website.
You must follow the appropriate Harvard online guidelines for citing and referencing your research. See the Quick Guide. The contract, contents and reference list do not count towards the word limit for this assessment.
Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assignment – King’s Own Institute Australia.
Submission requirements details: Submit your assessment via the Assessment 1 Academic Response link at the top of the Course Moodle page.
Feedback: Supply your Tutor a draft for discussion before the due date. Check your Tutors’ feedback and discuss it with them before the due date.The below assessment rubric guides the marker when awarding marks for your assessment. You should use this rubric to review your assessment task prior to submission, ensuring there is nothing you have
Assessment 2
Assessment Type : Individual assessment 1000 word (+/- 10%)
Purpose: Professional communication is based on fact. Both your boss and your tutor want correct up to date information that will enable them to make a decision. In business the decision directly relates to profit. At KOI it relates to your marks. Writers must ensure they provide the most immediate, relevant information. Other wise misunderstandings can occur, costing money or grades. Learning how to find and provide the information required is essential to any academic or business writing professional. This assessment relates to learning outcomes b, c and d.
Assessment topic : Evidence Response: This assessment is the basis for your A 3 Report as A 2 provides the appropriate research.
Task details: Report Outline and Resource Analysis: Your Evidence Response relates to the topic of implementing a digital communication strategy in an organization. Choose one of the topics below as the focus for your assignments:
A. Using Social Media in the workplace to communicate
B. Communicating companywide employee recognition
C. Boosting workplace motivation through innovative communication tools
The instructions for your Report Outline and Resource Analysis, a plan that outlines what the reader what to expect from the report. The Report Outline tells the reader:
o The purpose of the report (what it will be about, what questions will be answered)
o The structure of the report (what sections or parts will be included in the report)
o The purpose of each of the different parts of the report
o Four research sources you will use to research information for the report, why they are relevant to the topic, and why they are credible.
Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assignment – King’s Own Institute Australia.
Use the following outline to help structure your Report Outline:
o Background of the issue
o Purpose of the Report
o Outline Topic of the Report
o Intended audience (Who will read the report?)
o Background of the organisation
o Type of communications strategy you have chosen to implement
o List the main sections or headings to be included in the Discussion section of your report. Find four research sources that will be useful for completing the Assessment 3 report.
o Two of the research sources must be from reliable academic sources, such as academic journals.
The other two sources can come from media sites, books, magazines, websites, YouTube or TED talks.
o Provide the following separately for each resource:
Name of the resource (e.g. 21st Century Communication) Type of resource (e.g. website, article, video)
A brief summary of each resource, justifying why it is relevant to the topic of your report.
Evaluate the reliability of each resource by applying the five reliability tests.
Conclusion: Explain what questions will be answered in the conclusion of the report (but don’t provide
the answers).
Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assignment – King’s Own Institute Australia.
Recommendations: Give advice about what to do next in order to improve or solve problems. Usually a dot point for each heading and can be in a list.
Assessment 3
Assessment Type: Individual assessment 1,200 word (+/- 10%)
Purpose: Your ability, as a professional, to use modern communication technologies to improve business practices is critical for business success. Equally important is your ability to write well- structured business reports to communicate your ideas and recommendations to a range of stakeholders. This assessment requires you to demonstrate these abilities, in the context of communication technologies, in preparation for your professional future practice. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b, d.
Assessment topic: Using the sources from Assessment 2 Evidence Response, explain your topic’s communication technology, its uses, advantages and disadvantages. Identify the factors which will need to be considered for its implementation, as well as your recommendations, to complete your report.
Task details: Both Assessment 2 Evidence Response and Assessment 3 Report Response must be on the same topic.
Using the report format, you have used in A2 Evidence Response:
o Analyse your topic’s communication technology,
o Describe its uses, advantages and disadvantages.
o Identify the factors which will need to be considered for its implementation in an organisation
o And give your recommendations.
Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assignment – King’s Own Institute Australia.
o Integrate the four (4) sources from your Assessment 2 Evidence Response into your Report Response.
o You may decide to use each source for a different section or use a combination of sources in a section.
o Ensure that you use headings for each new idea to clearly communicate your ideas and give the reader a pathway to understand your written report.
o Conduct any additional research as needed to support your line of reasoning.
o Follow the Harvard online style shown in the Quick Guide for citing and referencing all your sources.
Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assignment – King’s Own Institute Australia.
It is expected that your Report will show:
o A comprehensive and clear understanding of the topic you have chosen.
o Evidence of research and application of reliable and relevant evidence to support your line of reasoning.
o Critical analysis and the ability to develop coherent written arguments.
o Effective communication in the form of professional writing skills presented in a report format.
o Your understanding and ability to use in-text citation and referencing skills following the Harvard online style shown in the Quick Guide.
It is highly recommended that you visit and consult The Learning Support Centre for their advice before submitting your Report.
Assessment 4
Assessment type: Presentation Response 5 minutes per person. Group
Assessment purpose: Presentation combine concise information, effective visual aids, a clear and a practised speech, supportive non-verbal communication strategies, and confident management of questions. These are skills that you will use and continue to develop in your professional future practice. This assessment task will provide you with the experience of presenting to an audience the main points and ideas from your research and findings. The Assessment refers directly to the learning outcomes b, d,
Assessment topic: Group Presentation Using A3 Report Response: Discuss your researched points to support your conclusion and recommendations regarding the use of modern communication technologies to improve business practices.
Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assignment – King’s Own Institute Australia.
Task details: This task is done individually in small groups of up to five students. Each person has to present.
o Use your Report from Assessment 3
o Evaluate and select the main points that need to be included in your Presentation
o Research visual elements that will enhance your written format – such as images, graphs, tables, short segments of video from YouTube.
o In order to plan your Presentation, you need to decide which visual format platform you will use. If you have never used PowerPoint, this may be a good choice. It is the most widely used visual aid. However, if you are familiar with PowerPoint, it is recommended to try other modes in their free format,for example:
Your Presentation needs to include: Introduction, introduce yourself, your chosen topic and the purpose of your presentation. Engage the audience with a quiz, question or quote. Include an overview of what your presentation will cover.
Presentation body: Provide information in relation to your topic. Elements to consider: ” What, when, where, how, and why. ” Examples, statistics. ” Discussion of potential problem. ” Recommendation of potential solutions to the problem. Include support your line of reasoning.
Conclusion: Provide a brief summary of your overall presentation. Check if there are any questions from the audience and address them accordingly. You may like to include a final quiz for the audience. ” You could use an online tool to do this, for example:
References: List 4 references in your presentation following the Harvard online style shown in the Quick Guide.
It is expected that you will demonstrate:
o a comprehensive understanding of your chosen topic.
o evidence of research and application of reliable and relevant evidence including a reference list.
o critical analysis and the ability to develop coherent arguments.
o effective verbal and non-verbal communication in the form of professional presentation skills.
o appropriate and creative visual aids to support content delivery.
Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assignment – King’s Own Institute Australia.
Assessment 5
Assessment type: Weekly Takeaways Individual – Awareness Response.
Assessment purpose: A TAKEAWAY is a particular summary of each week’s content. It is provided as an assistance to support the weekly activities. Each TAKEAWAY if correct receives 1 mark, partially correct receives half a mark. If not submitted by the required class, no marks. These can not be submitted or marked after the allocated week. The Assessment refers directly to the learning outcomes a, b, c, d.
Bus100 Professional Communication Skills Assignment – King’s Own Institute Australia.
Value : 10%
Assessment topic: Weekly TAKEAWAY
Task details: Each week’s TAKEAWAY is different and contains two parts.
o Part 1 is the weekly content.
o Part 2 is the TAKEAWAYS submission to the tutor using a professional email before the next class.
Submission requirements details: Submit to your Tutor using a professional email one full day before the next weeks class.