Assessment 1:
Subject Code & Title: CHCCSM004 Mandatory Reporting Report And Duty Of Care
Assessment Type : Case Study
Aligned Learning Outcomes: Knowledge Evidence
Length: 500 words
Task: In Part A you are to complete a Mandatory Report on a young person based on the Case Study (A) below using the Mandatory Reporter Guidance from the Child Story Reporter website (Question One). Once you have completed this you are to discuss how you reached your decision and the ethical issues that could arise for case workers by answering the questions that follow. In answering these refer to decision tree sexual abuse of a child [NSW Mandatory Reporters Guide – Appendix A]. Identify intervention strategies that would assist case workers with managing the situation and maintaining a working relationship with the young person (Question Two).
CHCCSM004 Mandatory Reporting Report And Duty Of Care Case Study 1 – ACAP Australia.

In Case study B you are to consider the risk of harm of Case study B.
CHCCSM004 Coordinate Complex Case Management
Case study A:
Mr XXX is a 19-year-old young woman who is homeless. She attends the ‘Balli more Community Centre on a regular basis for assistance with food and showering. You have been working at Balli more Community Centre as an Outreach Worker for six months and are becoming more confident in your role as a support worker and have established trusting relationships with many of the homeless young people who came to the Centre. While you are on duty Mr XXX arrives at the Centre looking very distressed and asks if she can speak to you in private. You take into a quiet room where she tells that whilst sleeping in the park last night, a man jumped on top of her and raped her. She tells you that she is experiencing some bleeding and pain but has not sought medical attention. Mr XXX explains that she has been feeling “down” lately and that she has thought “is it all worthwhile”.
Question One:
1.1 Do you consider Mr XXX situation requires reporting?
1.2 How will you consider the client’s opinion and requests?
1.3 If you are recommending to report – who would you make the report to?
1.4 How might you support the client when making a report?
Question Two:
2.1 Can you identify if there are any indicators of potential risk of self-harm and how should this be managed?
2.2 Identify three suitable services that you would refer Mr XXX to?
2.3 What are some of the principles and practices you would need to observe when working with a number of different agencies for the same client?
2.4 What challenges might Mr XXX have with being referred to several different providers?
2.5 Having referred Mr XXX to the various service providers what impact might service duplication have on the client?
2.6 In your own words discuss how this case study has informed you about some of the complexities of case work. Provide a website link on where you would seek further advice on a case like this.
Case study B:
Read the following case study and complete the questions below:
xxx, is a Juvenile Justice Officer who has been working with 14-year-old Amy from an Aboriginal background for the last 6 months. Amy is currently on a community supervision order which stipulates that she is to engage in case management with the Department of Juvenile Justice for support and assistance. Amy tells xxx that she has a new boyfriend and that he cares for her like no one ever has. Amy’s new boyfriend XX is 28 years of age and is known to police as the local drug dealer who befriends local young people by supplying drugs. Amy says that he tells her that she is very special and calls her his little princess and provides Amy with designer clothes which appear to be quite revealing. She tells you that she has posed naked for him in front of a camera and that he tells her that he needs the photo to remind himself how lucky he is to have such a princess in his life. It is unclear as to whether Amy has entered into a sexual relationship with XX.

CHCCSM004 Mandatory Reporting Report And Duty Of Care Case Study 1 – ACAP Australia.
1.What issues are concerning to xxx regarding Amy’s well being and safety?
2.What additional information would she need from Amy before making a report?
3.What cultural considerations would you need to address when working with Amy in the scenario?
4.What skills would be helpful for xxx to implement when discussing her concerns with Amy?
Case study C
Read the following case study and complete the questions below:
As a case manager for a Health Services unit working for the elderly, you have been asked to investigate a possible situation of elder abuse. Your two clients Alan and Patricia are residents of the Lonsdale Nursing Home and have been there for the last 6 months. Their daughter Lisa has rung you to state she is concerned they are being abused as they are often not showered, and they have bruising on their arms. She reports that the staff at the nursing home deny any abuse. You are aware that there have been similar reports from the same nursing home. Prior to your appointment you are informed that Patricia has committed suicide by taking an over dose of her medicine.
1.Identify what is your duty of care in relation to this situation?
2.Identify what legislation(s) might be relevant in this case?
3.Identify what support services you would suggest for the daughter and other family members?
CHCCSM004 Mandatory Reporting Report And Duty Of Care Case Study 1 – ACAP Australia.

4.This scenario suggests it is a complex case, identify and describe what model of case management might be appropriate for immediate and future intervention?
5.Describe what might be the funding implications for the nursing home should they be found to be negligent towards their residents.
Marking of Assessment
1.Your online or on-campus teacher will assess your competency.
2.All students will be assessed against the marking criteria.
3.All students are to submit the completed mandatory reporting report to the appropriate assessment drop box in the class space.