Subject Code & Title: CHN3203 Child Observation Project
Weighting: 50%
Format: Child Observation Project
Word Limit: 2000 words
CHN3203 Child Observation Project Assignment-Edith Cowan University Australia.
Assignment Overview:
What? Design and complete an observational project that interprets and analyses the behaviour of a child (via prescribed video observations) in relation to EITHER social competence OR emotional well being.
To complete this project:
1) Read through the background information on the children in the videos and choose one of the child subjects for your investigation
2) Choose an area of interest: either social competence or emotional well being Remember to define the area of interest you wish to observe (for example, explain what social competence means) and clearly state what behaviours you will target. In case of social competence, you might look for instances of cooperation with peers. In that case what behaviours will you target? You might look for the child’s ability to take turns, share toys, or
negotiate (depending on the child’s age). Depending on how social competence is defined, you might target different behaviours.
3) Construct two specific observational questions which will give you the required information on the area of interest.
4) Identify one qualitative and one quantitative method that you will use to elicit the required information, and match them to the observational questions
5) Watch the observation videos for your chosen child and record your observation using the chosen methods
6) Interpret each observation using your knowledge of child development, social and cultural context, and theories and strategies of guidance
7) Write a short summary of the child’s social competence OR emotional well being in relation to their developmental age/stage, drawing on a strengths-based approach and with reference to the interpretations you have conducted.
USE THE PROVIDED REPORT FRAMEWORK TO COMPLETE YOUR REPORT. You will find this on Blackboard under the assessment tab.
Objective observation assists us to separate out observation and interpretation and avoid judgemental responses towards families and parents. Objective observation assists us in knowing a child and working with their parents to guide their behaviours appropriately.
Where? Blackboard Assessment 1 Turnitin Drop box
How? This is an individual assignment. Details of how to write your report are available via the word document under the assessments tab on blackboard
Marking criteria:
The marking criteria for this assessment is contained in the rubric which you will find on Blackboard under the assessments tab.
Learning Outcomes addressed by Assessment 2
LO3: Explain the influence of context, culture and gender in the Australian and international context in the determination of what is deemed socially acceptable behaviour for children from birth to twelve years of age.
LO5: Observe, interpret, plan strategies and evaluate children’s behaviour using a range of assessment techniques.
Unit Content addressed by Assessment 2
1. Observing, interpreting, evaluating and planning strategies to respond to children’s behaviour
2.Understanding the relationship between child guidance and children’s self esteem and emotional well being.
3.Using a strengths-based approach to understanding children’s behaviour.
Assessment information:
The sections below set out the standard rules and policies that apply at Edith Cowan University.
All sources of references must be cited (in text citation) and listed (end reference list). For details about referencing and the required format, please refer to the ECU Referencing Guide:
You must apply for extensions to the Unit Coordinator before the assessment due date. Extension requests should be made by email and on the appropriate form. Extension can only be granted by the Unit Coordinator and only for exceptional circumstances for which evidence can be provided, such as medical (with doctor’s certificate), compassionate (death in the family), or emergency (accident) reasons. You will find the forms through this
CHN3203 Child Observation Project Assignment-Edith Cowan University Australia.
Before applying for an extension, please check out the ECU Guidelines for Extensions which details circumstances that can and cannot be used to gain an extension. For example, normal work commitments, family commitments and extra-curricular activities are not accepted as grounds for granting you an extension of time because you are expected to plan ahead for your assessment due dates.