Unit Title: 522 – Managing service for people with profound and complex needs Learner to provide narrative under each statement of how they meet the criteria.You must provide answers to each question that allow your assessor to properly assess your knowledge and what work duties you are doing or what role you have within your work. It expected that you will need approximately 300 words per question. The more detail you provide the less likely your account will be sent back for more clarification. You must answer each question in your own words and written in the first person meaning “I do this”. A tip is always to keep in mind the “who, why, how, where and when” in each answer.
522 Managing Service For People With Profound And Complex Needs Assignment-Australia.

Learning outcome 1: Understand management challenges when providing services for those with complex and profound needs
1.1 Enduring health conditions, disabilities and situations of profound need.
Guidance for 1.1 Learners explain physical, psychological and social impacts of enduring health conditions and disabilities. The correlation between conditions and Disability Gender Age Ethnicity Socio-economic status
1.2 Strategies in line with national and local guidelines, legislation, regulatory requirements and organisational requirements.
Guidance for 1.2 Learners explain relevant, current legislation and guidelines for the provision of services for individuals with complex and profound needs. This includes The Equality Act The Mental Health Acts NHS Continuing Health Care The Health Self‐Assessment Framework Mental Capacity Act Children and Families Act Chronically Sick
and Disabled Persons Act The Children Acts The Care Act
1.3 Financial arrangements for services providing care and support to individuals with complex and profound needs
Guidance for 1.3 Learners explain arrangements for procuring funding for service and equipment ,including The role of Clinical Commissioning Groups Funding from Charities and local allowances Pooled budgets Personal allowances and statutory support
522 Managing Service For People With Profound And Complex Needs Assignment-Australia.
1.4 Ways services enable individuals to be involved in deciding their own provision of services where possible
Guidance for 1.4 Learners evaluate ways of involving users of the service in decision making about the provision of services to them and the role of the informal and formal advocate.
Learning outcome 2: Manage quality and comprehensive assessment and ongoing review of advanced care packages and services for those with complex and profound needs
2.1 Assessment methods for the provision of services for individuals with complex and profound needs
Guidance for 2.1 Learners explain different assessment methods for the provision of individuals with complex and profound needs
2.2 Processes to ensure that staff have relevant training and monitoring to provide specialist assessment and review of care and support packages
Guidance for 2.2 Learners evaluate systems that ensure staff involved in assessments and reviews are monitored,receive support and are trained or are able to receive training to the required standard.
522 Managing Service For People With Profound And Complex Needs Assignment-Australia.

2.3 Integrated service approaches to ensure effective working with a range of others
Guidance for 2.3 Learners analyse integrated approaches to promote partnership working.
2.4 Adapting assessment and review methods to ensure that there is effective response to changes and transitions in care and support needs
Guidance for 2.4 Learners explain ways of adapting assessment and review methods to respond effectively to changes and transitions in care and support needs improvement / deterioration of an individual’s health ( psychological and/or physical) Change in social situation ( e.g. homelessness/move into new care environment/ move to independent living) Change from children’s services to adult care services Move from acute to long term health care services ( e.g. hospital to home, home to hospice)