Subject Code& Title: 517 – Managing recruitment and selection
Learner to provide narrative under each statement of how they meet the criteria.
You must provide answers to each question that allow your assessor to properly assess your knowledge and what work duties you are doing or what role you have within your work. It expected that you will need approximately 300 words per question. The more detail you provide the less likely your account will be sent back for more clarification.
You must answer each question in your own words and written in the first person meaning “I do this”. A tip is always to keep in mind the “who, why, how, where and when” in each answer.
517 Managing Recruitment And Selection Assignment-Australia.
Learning outcome 1: Understand legislative and regulatory requirements in recruitment and selection processes
1.1 Regulatory and legislative requirements of recruitment in adult care
Guidance for 1.1 Learners explain regulatory and legislative requirements relating to recruitment and selection in adult care including: Role and importance DBS checks Impacts on service planning and provision Impacts on service strategy and management and policy setting Contracting Role and responsibility of managers and others
Learning outcome 2: Understand the importance and value of successful recruitment and selection
2.1 Situations when recruitment is needed
Topic 2.1 Learners analyse their recruitment needs in respect of current staffing levels in respect of; Workforce development strategies Skills needs and related developments Skills gaps, staff retention Challenges faced in the recruitment of staff at all levels/service roles Apprenticeships in adult care Role of credible work placement opportunities for learners from local schools/colleges
2.2 Successful advertising and short listing strategies
Topic 2.2 Learners evaluate their recruitment and staff selection systems and processes to include Relevant recruitment and selection tools Adverts, short listing matrix, use of websites Shortlisting and section criteria and process Job descriptions and job specifications Interview requirements and processes The use of apprentices to support workforce planning Operational challenges faced in respect of all the above
517 Managing Recruitment And Selection Assignment-Australia.
2.3 Consequences of inadequate recruitment and selection processes
Topic 2.3 Learners analyse the consequences and impact of unsuccessful recruitment related to own area of service and make recommendations for their future recruitment and section procedures
Learning outcome 3: Understand principles that underpin equal opportunities in recruitment and selection processes
3.1 Processes of recruitment and selection applying to equal opportunities
Guidance for 3.1 Learners evaluate their application of equal opportunities with regard to employment law in their staff recruitment and selection processes.
3.2 Systems and processes that promote diversity, equality and inclusion
Guidance 3.2 Learners explain government guidance on diversity, equality and inclusion as well as care service policies and procedures and how these are implemented within their recruitment and selection practices
517 Managing Recruitment And Selection Assignment-Australia.
3.3 Risks presented when balancing individual rights with duty of care
Guidance 3.3 Learners analyse diversity issues within their workplace and demonstrate their responsibilities with regard to the management of risk in respect of; Managing and balancing individual rights of employed staff and volunteers with regard to duty of care Managing and balancing individual rights of those in receipt of care with regard to duty of care Managing possible challenges faced in respect of both of the above within the working environments