Unit Title& Code: 514 – Managing support for sexuality and sexual health
Learner to provide narrative under each statement of how they meet the criteria.
You must provide answers to each question that allow your assessor to properly assess your knowledge and what work duties you are doing or what role you have within your work. It expected that you will need approximately 300 words per question. The more detail you provide the less likely your account will be sent back for more clarification.
You must answer each question in your own words and written in the first person meaning “I do this”. A tip is always to keep in mind the “who, why, how, where and when” in each answer.
514 Managing Support For Sexuality And Sexual Health Assignment-Australia.

Learning outcome 1: Understand sexuality
1.1 Define sexuality
Guidance for 1.1
Based on contemporary values and opinions, learners define sexuality to include the following:
1.Sexual need
2.Sexual orientation
3. Sexual preference
4. Sexual expression
5. Sexual health
1.2 Legislation, policies and procedures influencing the support of sexuality and sexual health
Guidance for 1.2
Learners explain relevant legislation, policies and procedures influencing the support of sexuality and sexual health relevant to area of service provision, to include but not limited to:
1.The Equality Act
2. The Human Rights Act
3.Organisational policies
Learning outcome 2: Managing a service that advocates a positive attitude towards sex and sexuality in line with the law
2.1 Raise awareness within in own service that recognises the importance of sexuality
Guidance for 2.1
Learners promote a safe and lawful environment that supports sexuality and sexual needs of those in receipt of care, staff and others, to include: 1.Age of consent 2. Consent 3. Mental capacity 4. Privacy 5. Dignity 6.Confidentiality 7.Respect
2.2 Manage prejudice and discrimination in relation to sex and sexuality
Guidance for 2.2
Learners lead a care service that works to promote the following: Diverse and accepting culture in respect of sexuality An environment void of prejudice and discrimination in relation to sex and sexuality An environment that promotes non-judgmental and honest conversations about sex and sexuality Learners critically evaluate their management of prejudice and discrimination that may occur in the following situations, for example:
a.Between fellow users of adult care services
b. From users of adult care services towards staff
c. From staff towards users of adult care services
d. Between fellow staff members
2.3 Work with services available to support sexuality
Guidance for 2.3
Learners identify local and national services that can support sexuality/sexual expression, and understand the level of support that these services can provide.
514 Managing Support For Sexuality And Sexual Health Assignment-Australia.

Learning outcome 3: Understand the importance of sexual health within adult care services
3.1 Access to sexual health services
Guidance for 3.1 Learners critically evaluate resources available within their service to enable people to access advice and guidance on sexual health, for example: Internet/ phone access Transport Use of advocate or peer Available literature Counselling/ health support services
3.2 Care practice and sexual health
Guidance for 3.2 Learners raise awareness with their staff and/or others of considerations in relation to sexual health, including: Signs and symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Contraception Application of
treatments Reporting and recording Personal care Duty of care Managing embarrassment and denial Reasons why sexual health issues might affect men and women differently
3.3 Impact of poor sexual health on individuals
Guidance for 3.3 Learners explain the impacts of poor sexual health and related treatments on individuals, to include:
Physical health Psychological wellbeing Meaningful relationships Social activities
3.4 Health conditions and treatments impacting on sexual activity
Guidance for 3.4 Learners explain how different conditions may impact on sexual activity, for example: Dementia Depression Psychosis Mobility Stress Learning disability
514 Managing Support For Sexuality And Sexual Health Assignment-Australia.

3.5 Make decisions regarding sexual health care services
Guidance for 3.5 Learners evaluate procedures when working with other stakeholders to assess capacity and aid decision making in relation to sexual health, for example: Individuals Family and Friends of individuals Colleagues Advocates Practitioners Local community Other professionals within and beyond the organisation Any others with an interest in the service