Assessment Information:
1.Unit Learning Outcomes:
This unit will contribute to completion of course level outcomes, Western Sydney University graduate attributes and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Registered Nurse Standards for Practice. Course level learning outcomes can be accessed on your Unit v UWS Home Page.
The Clinical Leadership and Professional Relationships unit is part of the Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Nursing Graduate Entry and the Bachelor of Midwifery courses. The unit provides the foundation for developing compre- hensive, coherent and connected knowledge in the nursing and midwifery discipline and introduces and develops interaction skills which will be required by graduates in their work environments.
401213 Critical Reflection Cenario-Based Essay-Western Sydney University Australia.

2.Approach to Learning:
1.Blended Learning Activity:
Blended learning activities have been embedded throughout the unit content to enhance the student learning experiences through the use of tutorials, clinical practice units, audio visual material, small group work, and online quiz material. Access to a computer and the internet is essential in order to be able to: access course materials; to participate in discussion groups; and to access additional resources provided by the lecturer during the session.
A tutorial/workshop/seminar is a small group activity that enables you to have lecture content explained by the tutor if required. You will then be able to apply, explore and debate the content through interactive learning activities with other students.
3.Group Work:
Group work enhances student learning. Through planned group activities, and discussion with other students, you will have the opportunity to clarify your own thoughts and understandings of unit concepts. Group work also offers the opportunity to cooperate in a team situation and to learn skills that will assist you to work effectively in a health care team
3.Assessment Summary:
The assessment items in this unit are designed to enable you to demonstrate that you have achieved the unit learning outcomes. Completion and submission of all assessment items which have been designated as mandatory or compulsory is essential to receive a passing grade.
To pass this unit you must:
The assessment items in this unit are designed to enable you to demonstrate that you have achieved the unit learning outcomes. Completion and submission of all assessment items which have been designated as mandatory or compulsory is essential to receive a passing grade.
To pass this unit you must:
- Achieve at least 50% when all assessment marks are totalled
AND - Complete and submit all assessment tasks at the required time and required academic standard
- Attendance at all classes is expected throughout the semester
- It is advisable to submit special consideration for missed non-compulsory classes

Feedback on Assessment:
Feedback is an important part of the learning process that can improve your progress towards achieving the learning outcomes. Feedback is any written or spoken response made in relation to academic work such as an assessment task, a performance or product. It can be given to you by a teacher, an external assessor or student peer, and may be given individually or to a group of students. As a Western Sydney University student, it is your responsibility to seek out and act on feedback that is provided to you as a resource to further your learning.
4.Assessment Details:
Participation activities: 6 tasks, best 4 marks included in final marks

There will be six (6) online participation tasks to be completed this semester. Each task will attract a mark out of
five (5) and the student’s best four (4) marks will be included in the final mark. The sum of these four (4) best
marks will equate to 20% of the total marks available for the unit.
At least four (4) of the tasks must be attempted to count as completion of this assessment.
Students who attempt three or less tasks will be at risk of a final Fail Non Submission (FNS) grade for this unit.
There will only be one attempt at each task.
Once you begin each task you must complete it. You cannot close the task/quiz or turn of the computer as this will
automatically submit the quiz.
After 30 minutes the task/ quiz will close and whatever questions have been answered will be submitted.
Weekly Participation Tasks require you to:
- Access read and/or view the module of prescribed resources for the week in the Learning Materials folder on vUWS
These resources will be a mixture of media clips, journal articles, fact sheets or institutional policies and documents. - Complete prescribed task/quiz.
The task is a mixture of quiz questions that focus on checking your understanding of the case studies, definitions of
key terms, or understanding the main concepts presented in the module of learning materials for the week.
5.Technical difficulties:
If you experience a technical problem whilst attempting a participation task or on-line quiz, please contact the IT Help desk at the time of the technical difficulty so that the problem can be rectified. Make sure to retain the confirmation email from the IT Help desk as evidence for special consideration application if required.
No claims of technical difficulties will be considered after the weekly due date has passed.
6.Essay: Critical reflection Scenario-Based Essay
Aim: This assessment provides the student the opportunity to apply and evaluate leadership styles in a scenario involving a change process.
A recent state-wide quality improvement project has shown that an electronic medical record system improves communication between health care providers and many aspects the individual patient’s care. In order to share this knowledge, the state organisation has shared the results on a quality improvement website.
The Local Health District that you work for has recently had some critical incidents where communication has been cited as a root cause. These critical incidents occur in the context of a general increase of minor communication incidents over the last three years.
The Nurse Leader of the two hundred bed hospital you work in calls the Nurse Unit Managers for a meeting and advises of the general trending increase in communication errors. The Nurse Leader advises that the computer hardware and systems will be available for installation in two months and that there is an expectation that all wards will have adopted the electronic medical record system within six months.
Discuss how an effective Nurse Unit Manager would lead this change to address this important patient safety issue. The essay will need to:
401213 Critical Reflection Cenario-Based Essay-Western Sydney University Australia.

– Discuss reasons, using support from the literature, to adopt the fully electronic medication system
– Use Lewin’s model to outline a plan of change that includes milestones and time frames
– Choose and apply a leadership style to the plan of change.
– Critically evaluate the choice and compare with at least one other leadership style
– Describe two aspects of potential resistance and discuss how the resistance might be addressed.