Assignment 1: Online writing assignment Part B
Assignment overview
This assignment is a mandatory submission which means that in order to pass this unit of study, you must submit this assignment.
Academic writing for your university assignments requires that you summarise information from published sources such as journal articles, books, reports and websites into paragraphs to support your ideas. Your ideas and the information from other sources must be paraphrased or written in your own words so that you avoid allegations of academic misconduct or plagiarism.
401205 Professional Communication In Nursing Assignment-Western Sydney University Australia.

A paraphrase demonstrates your understanding of a text and your ability to accurately rephrase it in your own words.
To paraphrase effectively, you should follow the following steps:
1.You need to read and re-read the original source until you understand it fully.
2.You need to identify the main and secondary ideas in the original source.
3.You can highlight or underline these ideas.
4.You write the main ideas in your own words.
The paraphrase you will complete in the online writing assignment will help you prepare for Assignment 2:professional communication case study essay The three designated sources for Assignment 1 are found in your e Texts and are the sources you will use in your Assignment 2.
This assignment supports unit learning outcomes 1,3 and 4.
Assignment details
You will complete the online writing assignment during Week 4 under timed conditions. You will be given one of three extracts that you will paraphrase in 150 words during the allocated 20 minutes.The paraphrase needs to be presented as a structured academic paragraph that expresses the meaning of the designated paragraph. This assignment needs to be completed in your own words with no external assistance. The rationale for this is to gauge your ability to paraphrase.
To prepare for Part B: Paraphrasing test, you are advised to read and practise paraphrasing each of the following three extracts (i.e. key attributes of therapeutic communication, purposes of the patient record, and patient safety and communication). You are not required to reference for this writing assignment.
401205 Professional Communication In Nursing Assignment-Western Sydney University Australia.

Only one of these will be given to you for this assignment:
1.Extract 1- person-centred care (Links to an external site.)from your Hill, Hall & Glew eText (pp. 13–14). Only read from ‘Person-centred care’ until and including, the section titled ‘Barriers to person-centred care’. Do not read Box 1.5.
2.Extract 2- Therapeutic relationship and communication (Link to an external site.) from your Hill, Hall & Glew eText (pp. 130). Only read from ‘Therapeutic relationship and communication’ until the sentence ending ‘focused on person- centred care’.
3.Extract 3- patient safety and communication (Link to an external site.) from your Levett-Jones eText (pp. 5–7). Only read from ‘Patient safety and communication’ until the sentence ending ‘a range of clinical stories’. Do not read Box 1.1 or 1.2.
Submission details overview
This assignment will be submitted through Turnitin. You will find the relevant submission point within the link for the date/time that you choose:
401205 Professional Communication In Nursing Assignment-Western Sydney University Australia.

1.part B: paraphrasing submission – Monday 29 June 11am–11.20am AEST.
2.part B: paraphrasing submission – Wednesday 1 July 11am–11.20am AEST.
3.part B: paraphrasing submission – Thursday 2 July 8pm–8.20pm AEST.
4.part B: paraphrasing submission – Friday 3 July 11am–11.20am AEST.
5.part B: paraphrasing submission – Saturday 4 July 8pm–8.20pm AEST.
6.part B: paraphrasing submission – Sunday 5 July 11am–11.20am AEST.
Please allow a 24-hour turnaround for an originality report to be generated.
Assignment support
Don’t forget that in addition to your OLAs who provide discipline-specific content advice, you can access the 24/7 draft writing service from Studiosity.If you need assistance with academic feedback on a draft of your assignment, see Assignment support :studiosity.