The assessment items in this Unit are designed to enable you to demonstrate that you have achieved the Unit learning outcomes. Completion and submission of all assessment items which have been designated as mandatory or compulsory is essential to receive a passing grade.
102098 Contemporary Teacher Leadership Report Assignment-Western Sydney University AU.

To pass this Unit you must:
All assessment items are mandatory. Each assignment requires a pass or higher to complete this unit. Attendance is required for 80% of all lectures and tutorials in order to fulfil NSW NESA professional program accreditation.Tutorials and lectures are designed to scaffold your learning and assist you to complete your assessment tasks. You should endeavour to attend all scheduled classes. If there is a legitimate reason for an absence then the tutor should be emailed as a courtesy to explain the absence and relevant medical evidence provided. Attendance rolls will be taken to verify attendance.

Feedback on Assessment
Feedback is an important part of the learning process that can improve your progress towards achieving the learning outcomes. Feedback is any written or spoken response made in relation to academic work such as an assessment task, a performance or product. It can be given to you by a teacher, an external assessor or student peer, and may be given individually or to a group of students. As a Western Sydney University student, it is your responsibility to seek out and act on feedback that is provided to you as a resource to further your learning.
Your marks and feedback on your assignments will be available on the unit’s vUWS site as assignments in this unit are marked online.
Weight: 60%
Type of Collaboration: Individual
Due: Draft Submission to Turnitin Tuesday 2nd Nov, 2021. Final Submission Thursday, 4th Nov, 2021 @ 11:59 pm.
Submission: Submit a draft in Word (docx not PDF) to Turnitin by Tuesday 2nd Nov, 2021. Submit final (Word) assignment to Turnitin by Final Submission Thursday, 4th Nov, 2021 @ 11:59pm.
Student Declaration: I am aware that this work may be de-identified and reproduced in part or in full as an example for future students and for course accreditation.Submit the Professional Report as one single word (docx) document (NOT A PDF) containing:
1.Cover page (your own – not the university cover page)
2.Table of contents
3.Executive summary
4.Comparative table (table found in Assignment 1 folder on vUWS – do not add or delete column or row headings). This should be concise.
- Recommendations – use your recommendations as sub-headings. Undertake professional persuasive writing and next steps for unit implementation (ULO 1; ULO 4; ULO 5; ULO7).
- Reconstructed unit using UbD showing:
a. Scope and sequence
b. Concept map (see vUWs for explanation of threshold concepts and constructing a concept map)
c. Modified Assessment task and marking criteria (If required)
d. Redesigned unit outline using UbD (annotated changes in a different identifiable colour within the original document – Provide a Key). The weeks redesigned are only those weeks you have taught in school.
8.References requires both government compliance documents and RECENT evidenced-based research (at least 5 articles within the past 5 years). (ULO 2; ULO 3).
9.Appendices of original documents
102098 Contemporary Teacher Leadership Report Assignment-Western Sydney University AU.

Length: 2,500 words
Curriculum Mode: Report
This assignment requires you to: – Use a comparative table to evaluate an existing teaching unit within a program that you have taught in schools based on the following areas of curriculum implementation:
1.General capabilities: critical and creative thinking and ethical understanding
2.Evaluate teaching process using the Understanding by Design (UbD) process.Professional Presentation: Use persuasive reasoning, present a professional report whose target audience is the faculty from your professional practice.
102098 Contemporary Teacher Leadership Report Assignment-Western Sydney University AU.

Past excerpts from similar assignments can be found in the assessment folder on the Unit’s vUWS site.
Resoures are provided from your work taught in either Professional Placement 1 or 2, Curriculum units and other units within the course as required