Assessment Details: – Contemporary Issues in the Asia-Pacific region
Learning Outcomes Assessed: 3
Weight: 40%
Word limit: 1500 words (+/-10%).
References ARE NOT included in word limit
Task Description:
You are required to develop a 1500-word critical analysis of contemporary threats and opportunities affecting enterprise and trade between Australia and the Asia-Pacific.You may consider threats and opportunities within the Asia-Pacific as a whole, or focus on Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, or the Pacific.
1005GBS Engaging Australia And The Asia-Pacific Assessment – Griffith University .

Criteria & Marking:
A critical analysis essay means you must have an argument and provide evidence to support that argument. Writing a critical essay does not simply mean ‘giving your opinion’; rather you must construct an argument based upon key sources that provide information on the threats and opportunities to enterprise and trade between Australia and the Asia-Pacific. You must then outline and explain the evidence that supports your case. You should consider counter evidence, but it must take the form of a rebuttal.
Your critical analysis should have an introduction, body and a conclusion. The body of your essay will present a number of paragraphs that support or contradict your argument. Remember you must explain why you disagree with contrary evidence.

1005GBS Engaging Australia And The Asia-Pacific Assessment – Griffith University.
You can consult a wide range of sources, including the information supplied in modules four through eight, academic books and articles, business reports and analyses, longer media articles (news and magazine websites etc), and government reports and speeches. You do NOT need to use all these types of sources in your statement.
The minimum expectation would be for your assignment to contain at least six sources, but you should go beyond this minimum and achieving higher grades will require you to do so. It will not be suitable for your list of six sources to all be newspaper or media articles.
1005GBS Engaging Australia And The Asia-Pacific Assessment – Griffith University.

Your assignment must contain a minimum of two academic sources (refereed journal articles or academic books).
It must also be properly referenced using either APA or AGPS Harvard system.