BUMGT5981 Analytical Decision Making Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Description of the Course for Handbook Entry:
The course enhances student understanding of analytical decision making supported by numerical data and statistical procedures. Topics include practice-based learning contextualised across business and management. Coursework and research-based assessment may include interactive group work, case studies and situational exercises where students apply quantitative methods relevant for understanding and/or solving organisational challenges and problems. An applied focus introduces concepts fundamental to understanding and interpreting numeric data and statistical analysis. Designated numerical techniques are relevant to fields including human resource management, marketing and management.
BUMGT5981 Analytical Decision Making Assignment-Federation University Australia.

BUMGT5981 Analytical Decision Making Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Program Level

Organisation Delivery Mode Regular semester


Additional consultation time can be booked by contacting the staff member concerned directly.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course the students are expected to be able to:

K1. Define contexts suitable for numeric-based analysis supporting good decisions
K2. Identify pertinent sources of numeric data and/or suitable methods for generating these data
K3. Recognise appropriate statistical techniques for data analysis including strengths and limitations
K4. Infer results from data analysis applicable to business and management challenges or problems

S1. Perform fundamental numerical and statistical analysis including data input and hypothesis testing
S2. Apply numerical tools and methods to analyse business and management challenges or problems
S3. Interpret results and finding from numerical analysis including implications
S4. Develop suitable decision support systems supporting good business practices

Application of knowledge and skills
A1. Identify and evaluate workplace contexts relevant for numerical analysis
A2. Develop methods to effectively communicate numerical results to stakeholders
A3. Illustrate workplace examples where numerical analysis support good decision-making
A4. Explain processes for developing decision-support systems for relevant work-place scenarios

Topics may include:

  • Introducing analytical decisions
  • Numeracy, probability, risk and modelling
  • Data analytics and big data
  • Generating and assessing valid data
  • Fundamental statistical techniques
  • Capacity and demand
  • Service quality
  • Supply chain analysis
  • Forecasting
  • Selecting a project portfolio
  • Staff selection, KPIs, attrition and satisfaction
  • Advanced data models and decision support systems

V1. The importance of numerical analysis to support good decision making
V2. The significance of statistical techniques to answer business and management questions
V3. The relevance of numerical methods used across fields of business and management
V4. The benefits of numeric-based decision support systems in the workplace

Graduate Attributes
FedUni graduate attributes statement. To have graduates with knowledge, skills and competence that enable them to stand out as critical, creative and enquiring learners who are capable, flexible and work ready, and responsible, ethical and engaged citizens.

Learning Tasks and Assessment
See Moodle shell for full details of your assessment

The following tasks will be graded.

Assessment Task 1:
Note: The quizzes commence Week 1 of the course

BUMGT5981 Analytical Decision Making Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Details of task:
Self-paced series of quizzes completed online for topics 1 – 12 (60 questions in total).Important: All questions for each of 12 topic quizzes must be answered correctly – Multiple attempts are allowed. Note that once a correct answer to all questions for a topic has been submitted, within the same attempt, then further attempts will not override this correct status for that question.

Contributes 10% towards assessment – all questions must be recorded as correct answers in the Moodle system – otherwise a zero result will be recorded.

Penalties for late lodgement:
Failure to answer all questions correctly or not having completed by the due date will result in a score of zero for this assessment.

Note that multiple attempts are allowed.
Your progress on the quiz is available on the course Moodle site. If you are in any doubt that you have completed this assessment then check your successful completion with the lecturer.

Assessment Task 2:
Details of task:
This assessment is in three parts, 1) group presentation 2) student feedback (individual task), and 3) group summary review. The purpose of the assessment is to highlight a decision making scenario using analytical techniques and to stimulate in class or online discussion and interaction in relation to that issue. Details are available on the Moodle site. You should have formed a group during by the end of week 3. If you do not have a group by this time then please contact your lecturer for allocation to a group.

Part 1 – 20 minute Group Presentation
Informative and engaging group presentation actively promoting class participation.

In order to share experiences and insights on the decision-making scenario, the group is asked to prepare a 20 minute presentation based on research and analysis of the chosen topic, and where relevant, integrating group members’ work-related experiences. The presentation may be in any format the group considers appropriate. Examples may be one or a combination of formal meetings (using agendas, allocating roles and designated seating arrangements), power point presentations, small group work (facilitated by group members), role plays, reality formats and so on. Use of visual material, creativity, and interactive activities are encouraged to stimulate audience interest and engagement.

The presentation should reflect theory and practice and perhaps include a handout.

All group members are expected to participate in the presentation. Marks for Part 1 will be allocated equally within the group unless advised otherwise by the lecturer.

Part 2 – Individual contributions following presentations
This required participation in other group’s presentations including completion of a feedback sheet.
Students individually are required to participate in a minimum of five presentations (other than that associated with their group). At the end of the presentation, students must submit to the lecturer a feedback on the form provided. This will then be distributed to the group. This feedback should reflect developed thinking, supportive and constructive comments, and show a reasonable effort.

Part 3 – Group reflective review
Task – 500 word group reflective review (maximum words excluding references [if any] – no minimum word count)
Following individual discussion contributions, the group will review their presentation and audience (other students) feedback in the light of other learnings in the course. The review should make a critical appraisal of key issues, approaches to analysis and indicate the key learning resulting from this assessment (this may include comments on both the content and process).The group might also comment on: What worked well? What did not work well? How might the presentation have been improved? Was the feedback received as expected?See also assignment marking guide on the course site.

Task summary:
1.Group presentation – around 1000 words or equivalent effort contingent on the format used.
2.Individual feedback for presentations posted by five other groups
3.Group reflective review – up to 500 words

Weighting: contributes 20% in total towards final assessment comprising:
1.Group presentation and review 15%
2.Individual discussion contribution 5%.

Presentation requirements: Open format

Estimated return date:
Marks for this assessment will be provided within two weeks of the final the group reflective review submission date or due date – whichever is the latter.

Criteria for marking: Provided on the course Moodle site

Submission details:
Group presentation and class discussion will be conducted in class, at the discretion of the lecturer, ideally during weeks 4 to 8. Group summary review is to be submitted via Moodle by the end of week 9.

Penalties for late lodgement:
Group report and summary: A penalty of 10 per cent of the mark allocated to this assessment task will be deducted for each day that either part of assessment is late.

Assessment Task 3:
Details of task:This assignment, detailed on the Moodle site, assesses your ability to calculate and interpret data plus how this may feed into management plans or strategies See also assignment marking guide on the course site.

BUMGT5981 Analytical Decision Making Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Task summary:
Answer three questions from a choice of five

Presentation requirements: Format is open and may be submitted on MS Excel or other suitable program– marking will take into account the format of the report including ease of access to pertinent information

Estimated return date:
Marks for this assessment will be provided within two weeks submission date or due date – whichever is the latter.

Criteria for marking: Provided on the course Moodle site

Submission details:Submit via Moodle

Penalties for late lodgement:
A penalty of 10 per cent of the mark allocated to this assessment task will be deducted for each day late

Assessment Task 4:
Details of task:The final exam structure and example exam is provided on the Moodle site. Exam duration is two hours plus reading time

Task summary:The exam is based on learning objectives listed for each topic. The exam is designed to test your knowledge, understanding and application of the course content

Topics Assessed
All topics covered during this course are subject to assessment.

Assistance with Online Submission
Students are often asked to submit assessments online. Here are a few useful links that introduce students to the Turnitin software:

Special Consideration
If students are adversely affected by life circumstances a discretionary assessment extension of up to five University working days for one assessment task may be granted at the discretion of the tutor, lecturer, or course coordinator (dependent on faculty process) upon a direct request by the student via the Discretionary Assessment Extension form. However if a student has experienced or encountered some form of disadvantage or impediment (medical reasons; hardship/trauma; compassionate grounds; other significant cause) in more than one course and requires more than five working days extension, then they may apply for Special Consideration. For further information on Discretionary Assessment Extensions and Special Consideration, including access to the policy, procedures or associated forms,

Available Grades
A list of the available grades, a description of the corresponding required student performance and the required percentages for the Course is given in the University Handbook.The Course Coordinator may standardise raw marks before allocating grades.

BUMGT5981 Analytical Decision Making Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Academic Integrity
Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one’s own without properly acknowledging that person. Students must not allow other students to copy their work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. In cases of copying, normally all students involved will be penalised equally; an exception will be if the student can demonstrate the work is their own and they took reasonable care to safeguard against copying. Plagiarism is a serious offence. Please refer to the following documents:

Academic Regulations
Supplementary information concerning teaching, learning, and assessment may be provided from time to time in response to unforeseen circumstances. This may include changes in times or location of classes, order of the schedule or due dates for assignments. Announcement of these matters in classes and placement of a notice on the course Moodle page shall be deemed to be official notification. FedUni has a range of educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which you can find at

Student Support
The University provides many different kinds of services to help you gain the most from your studies. You can see the list of Student Services Students who have a disability or medical condition are welcome to contact the Disability Liaison Unit to discuss academic support services. The role of the DLU is to support the development of a learning and working environment that maximise participation in University life by students with a disability

Learning Management System
This course makes use of Moodle to support your learning. You can access Moodle from the FedUni home page If you do not have access for this course you should notify your course co-ordinator immediately

Late Assignment
Assessment tasks submitted after the due date, without prior approval/arrangement, will be penalised at 10% of the available marks per day. Requests for extension of time must be made with the lecturer concerned and based on Special Consideration guidelines.

Materials General
All designated course materials are available online through the Federation University Library

Note that some material in lectures, assignments and other resources provided to students may contain direct quotations from the text book(s) and references listed.

BUMGT5981 Analytical Decision Making Assignment-Federation University Australia.

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