Question NRSG257 – Growth And Developmental Theories

Introduction : Question NRSG257 – Growth And Developmental Theories

The following is a guide to assist you in writing your essay.

Using evidence specific to your chosen case study, address the following two (2) points

1. Describe the pathophysiology of the presenting complaint in the case study.

This section is science based and the expectation is that you have a pathophysiology text book and scientific journal articles to quote that discuss the science related to the presenting problem in your chosen case study. You should aim at 300-500 words for this section. The aim is that you attain knowledge of what is happening at a cellular, organ and system level so that you understand the presenting clinical manifestations.

2. Evaluate the nurse’s role in delivering developmentally appropriate nursing care in relation to your chosen case study.Address:

  • growth and developmental theories,

This part of the assessment task is concerned with ensuring that the essay has a child and adolescent focus. Throughout the essay discussion, it is expected that you make reference to the child/adolescent’s expected developmental milestones at that age, depending on which case study you have chosen. It is expected that growth and development research is undertaken for your chosen case study and you make reference to growth and development theories that you think are relevant in enhancing your essay argument. Some ideas include things like,

at what age do you include a child/adolescent in medical related conversation? how does a child/adolescent make decisions based on their developmental level?

Even through your pathophysiology section, you can make mention of underdeveloped organ systems that might influence your nursing care.

  • family centred care

Neonatal, paediatric and adolescent nurses provide a family centred care model. It is important that this is reflected in your essay and may bring forward issues of consent, compliance and child/adolescent presentation into care. How are siblings affected? the role of the family and the extended family? cultural influences? and whatever may be specific to the chosen case study.

  • the effects of hospitalisation of the child, on the child and family

This part follows on from the family centred care component, where it is important to understand the effects of a child’s presentation to health services, particularly in a hospital setting, on not only the child/adolescent but the whole family.

All of the above points should indicate how you will give nursing care in a paediatric setting.

Case Study 1

Anne is a 10 year old girl who has presented to the emergency department in the local hospital with right iliac fossa pain. On further assessment by the emergency registrar, appendicitis is suspected.

The surgical team agree that the signs and symptoms are associated with appendicitis and take Anne to theatre for an appendectomy.

The handover on return to the ward is that the surgical team found a gangrenous perforated appendix with peritonitis. Anne has returned to the ward with a nasogastric tube in situ on free drainage, morphine PCA, IV therapy and triple IV antibiotics.

Due to the severity of the infection and the potential complications, Anne will need to remain in hospital for 10 days of IV antibiotics and pain management.

Anne is the oldest of five children and her parents own and run an Indian restaurant in the city.

Case Study 2

Jay is a four-month old boy admitted to the paediatric unit via emergency with vomiting, decreased feeds, no bowel actions and intermittent spasmodic abdominal pains. During the spasmodic pain episodes, Jay draws his legs up and has a high pitched cry.

After a diagnostic ultrasound, intussusception was thought to be the cause of the presenting symptoms and Jay was admitted to the ward. His treatment plan included observation, electrolyte monitoring and IV therapy until a contrast enema could be implemented to correct the intussusception.

The approximate length of stay for Jay will be 2 days, during which time, Jay’s mother is informed that the rotavirus vaccine that Jay had at 4 months has increased the incidence of this condition amongst infants. Jay’s mother is now having serious doubts regarding future vaccines for Jay.

Case Study 3

Sue is a 14-year-old indigenous girl who lives in a remote community in rural Australia. Sue has been treated for repeated episodes of streptococcal pharyngitis and impetigo over the last 2 years. The local health clinic have registered Sue and her siblings for a secondary prophylaxis program where she receives Benzathine Penicillin G IM routinely to aid in reducing risk of developing ARF/ RHD. However, Sue has failed to attend the clinic on multiple occasions to receive her IM antibiotics.

Sue has presented to the remote area health clinic complaining of a 4 day history of acute joint pain in her knees, ankles, elbows and shoulders.

A health history taken by the remote area nurse on arrival reveals that Sue reports having a sore throat 2- 3 weeks ago, migratory joint pain starting with her knees and ankles and which now includes other joints. Her temperature is 38oC.

When Sue is assessed by the remote clinic medical officer, a diagnosis of Acute Rheumatic Fever is suspected. The doctor at the clinic attending to Sue informs her mother that she needs to be transferred to a hospital for cardiology review and echocardiogram. The closest hospital that provides these services is 800km away.

Sue lives with her mother and 6 younger brothers and sisters.

Question NRSG257 – Growth And Developmental Theories

The following general essay information has been provided for Assessment 1.

The assessment task is 1600 words, that is between 1440 and 1760 words long.

Essay Structure – an essay includes an introduction, body and conclusion.

1.The introduction should provide the reader with a framework for the essay and what will be discussed. Sometimes it is easier to write the introduction last or after you have completed outlining what you will be discussing. (Approximately 100 words)

2.The body of the essay is the crux of your discussion and will consume the bulk of your words. For this essay –

a. The pathophysiology

b. Growth and developmental theories

c. Family centred care

d. The effects of hospitalisation of the child

3. The conclusion should provide a summary of the key points presented in the essay, and should not introduce any new material. (Approximately 100 words)

Paragraph structure

1.Each paragraph should have an introductory and concluding statement.

2.Each paragraph should have a direct connection with the one prior and the one following. This allows the essay to flow.

Definitions used in your essay should only use academic references (not online dictionaries).

It is important to note that this is an academic essay and should be written in the third person.

There are no minimum requirements for the number of sources you use, however, as a general guideline an academic essay may have 1 source per one hundred words.

It is expected that sources are within 5 years of publication. Older citations must include demonstration of how it is relevant to your writing (in the essay).


ANALYSIS – What do experts state regarding the topic? Present your research and look at different perspectives.

SYNTHESIS – What connections can be made regarding the expert discussions?

EVALUATION – What conclusions do I come to after presenting the arguments based on my analysis and synthesis?

Please refer to the rubric for more detailed information on the expectations for each criterion.